DMF: Tuesdays night’s keynote speaker at the DNC convention in Philadelphia will be the the nominee’s husband, the lecher Bill Clinton. And keeping with the low class theme of the night will also featured controversial speakers from ‘Mothers of the Movement‘.

Trayvon Martin
The Mothers of the Movement speakers include such illustrious ghetto celebrities as Gwen Carr, mother of Eric Garner; Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin; Maria Hamilton, mother of Dontré Hamilton; Lucia McBath, mother of Jordan Davis; Lezley McSpadden, mother of Michael Brown; Cleopatra Pendleton-Cowley, mother of Hadiya Pendleton; Geneva Reed-Veal, mother of Sandra Bland.
“That’s Real Retarded, Sir”
And some in Philly are rightfully not very happy with the decision to give them front row exposure…..
I would expect nothing less, after all that is the majority of their BASE!
When you are a lying, corrupt thief, you better play to your base voters.
Didn’t mean to be a parrot your post.
We’ll get enough squawking from the Democrat Convention.
The mother of a strong arm robber is going to speak at the DNC. How fitting.
They should be so proud.
“Mrs. Clinton, you should be ashamed of yourself, if that is possible.”
You want to tell him, or let me?
“Mothers of the Movement”. . . I used to enjoy their music. . . .OH, SHIT, WAIT!! WRONG GROUP! DAMN! MY BAD! Sorry about that, Mr Zappa.
“Philadelphia’s police union is blasting Hillary Clinton for inviting relatives of victims of police shootings to speak at the Democratic National Convention, but failing to include relatives of slain police officers…..”
Simple solution, DON’T PROVIDE SECURITY. Let the members and non-members of the local police union know that if there are members who wish to make extra money by providing security while off-duty, won’t stop them, but they’re on their own. Don’t call for backup in case of trouble, ’cause it ain’t gonna come.
I’m willing to bet a dollar to a cop’s doughnut that very few, if any, will volunteer for that off duty dirty money.
Encourage an off-duty “blue flu”, so if called by the political higher ups bosses, they can claim sick, sorry about that.
Let the entire weight of security fall on the Secret Service (who hate her even more passionately than we do).
That is why the Democraps often win. The DNC and its various stable of politicians know that a goodly number of people are just as corrupt, sleazy, dishonest, immoral, perverted, retarded and evil as they are! Therefore they willingly pander to their base!
‘Mothers of the Movement‘
MOM also known as Milk of Magnesia
I was poking around CNN, thanks to Charlie Walksonwater’s comment on the Mall Shooting page, and found this gem: http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/22/opinions/donald-trump-republican-convention-speech-stanley/index.html
Killary is in a bind, she has to walk a tightrope to try to avoid losing votes. She has dug her own political grave.
What time is din dunuttin speaking?
He’s such a good boy, he treats the crack whores and heroin addicts with respect when he sells his dope.
Taking advantage of people with the mental agility of a small plant stand is about as low as you can go, unless of course you include all the degreed, dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, COEXIST bumper-sticker, Politically Correct Liberal Lemmings who rate about a minus 40 on the Bozo Scale!!
The democraps can call their convention The Thug Thizzle convention. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere near Philly next week. They’re just asking for nothing but trouble by letting their inmates run the democrap asylum and shitpickle show.
I heard Maury will be headlining the Family Values segment.
I bet the convention gets looted and burned down. lol.
I’m so glad I am on vacation next week. I can follow the events in Philly in real time, snacking on Orville Redden bachelor was down with Moet-Chandon.
I hope that this bitch gets so stressed out by the pressure that she keels over from a massive heart attack.
Stupid Common Core spell checker!
What web site is recommended for a fun filled couple of nights of “Troll the Lib” during their convention?
I wonder why the fathers weren’t invited to sp. oops, never mind.
I would expect no less from them.
Is there 1 police officer in the entire country that is going to vote for her because if so, I sure hope he gets some face time.
I heard Jerry Springer will be headlining the Ho’s wid Chex segment
Mothers of the Movement speakers? Are they going to talk about big craps? – “Whoa, I had a mother of a movement” – Seems with Hillary Clinton as your nominee talking shite is all you have.
Jag, great minds, and all that. I was going to say that this story gave me the urge for a mother of a movement.
They could try being honest, and call it the Mothers of the Thugs, but I guess it makes sense, having the mothers of criminals speak for a criminal.
I think this is great, because I think a lot of people (not just us) are fed up to here with the whole BLM “movement”.
On top of the huge setback Obama has already caused re race relations in the country, this pandering to the thug community will only exacerbate the problem.
Plan to? That’s all they’ve done since LBJ took office.
BLM = Black Loser Maggots
BLM – Bowel Less Movements.
Their shit is all over town.
Maybe they could talk Dr. Phil into doing a group intervention for the entire Democrat convention attendees!
@GreetingsfromYonkers: you are my new hero….exquisite taste in food and drink and the keeling over has been my prayer for the past year. Cheers and chomp-chomp!!!!
Maybe Clinton’s base will chimp-out and burn Philedelphia to the ground.
and I thought the DNC couldn’t get any lower than Sheila Jackson Lee as a speaker. I stand corrected.