Democrats Planning Future Temper Tantrums – IOTW Report

Democrats Planning Future Temper Tantrums


House Democrats’ 24-hour gun-control protest marks a turning point in Congress as a major escalation in minority battle tactics, lawmakers in both parties said Thursday — and a move that brings fundamental risks for the institution.
Already rank-and-file Democrats, energized by nationwide publicity and praise they received for occupying the House floor over demands for a gun vote, are saying they’ll likely use the same strategy again.

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), for example, thinks a sit-in demonstration could force Republican leadership’s hands on what she called “economic justice issues,” like the minimum wage. And Rep. Maxine Waters of California said at the end of the protest Thursday that she would be ready to seize the House floor again over the gun matter when lawmakers return from their July 4 recess.
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29 Comments on Democrats Planning Future Temper Tantrums

  1. What a pathetic imbecile. Sambo John Lewis.

    That’s from Uncle Tom’s Cabin you illiterate racist fucks! Sambo….the slave that beat all the other slaves – and beat Uncle Tom to death.

    Fuck you Sambo Lewis.

  2. Although John Lewis was a highly respected desegregation icon, I say was, he has soiled that reputation. Claiming to be spat upon by the Tea Party, which turned out to be another liberal lie.
    He has no business in government, too dumb.

  3. “It used to be that you disagreed but you’d compromised and you’d moved forward,” she said. But now the minority is completely frozen out

    Gun owners are a minority group in America, and I think it’s about damn time they recognize those minority rights… Just as rights of mentally ill are recognized to the point where normal people can’t use a public restroom, or the most qualified for a job since a minority uses affirmative action. I want a bathroom for my gun, ammo subsidized, a tax credit, a pride parade, and a police car in AR-15 black with a burned up front end like it’s been shooting all day.

  4. If I were Ryan there would be some items waiting for the returning Democrats at all of their designated seats:
    Jars of Gerber baby food strained peas (or carrots)
    A bib (yellow)
    A rubber coated airplane-shaped spoon
    A sippy cup with Ensure in it.
    A handful of Cheerios

  5. Wasn’t he the lyin’racist scumbag who said he was spat upon?
    It was, I believe Eldridge Cleaver, who aptly described blacks like Lewis as “hang-lipped, coconut head, dumb mudderfukkas.”

  6. (In reference to John Lewis)

    Jerry Manderin: Is it racist to say that someone looks like an ape because he does LOOKS LIKE an ape?

    BigFurHat: Probably.

  7. Hell as far as diapers go may I suggest the Lazlo five day live-in diaper suit?
    Take ’em out back and hose ’em off once a week

  8. Jagpald is on it.
    When they get back there are no chairs.
    Seeing as how they have demonstrated their preference for the floor, they can sit there.
    If they need cushioning, let them sit on their soft, soft hands, that have never seen work.

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