Democrats’ Plot to Abolish Election Night – IOTW Report

Democrats’ Plot to Abolish Election Night


The left and its media allies are warning Americans not to expect a winner on election night. If Donald Trump leads on Nov. 3, the victory will be nothing more than a “red mirage,” says Josh Mendelsohn, whose firm consults for the Democratic National Committee. In the days or weeks afterward, a Trump victory will be beaten back and undone as mail-in ballots tip the election for Joe Biden, predicts New York Times columnist David Brooks. “Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances,” warns Hillary Clinton.

Many Democrats don’t want election night certainty. The DNC and allied groups are in court now suing to require that even ballots postmarked after election night or lacking signatures are counted. Why should people who mail their ballots late have their vote counted any more than people who show up at the polls late?

There’s still time to prevent this potential chaos by processing mail-in ballots as they’re received and requiring that they’re mailed a week before the election.

How hard is that?

Democrats who oppose these simple reforms have a different agenda: anarchy in the streets, mobs demanding a Biden victory, and a president, ultimately, chosen behind the scenes long after election night.


14 Comments on Democrats’ Plot to Abolish Election Night

  1. …they would also be OK with causing enough doubt to push picking a winner out past January 20th. This is because the President and Vice President’s terms constitutionally expire then, leaving us with President Pelosi to write all the emergency and executive orders, until such time as the elections can be redone, recounts continued in cat trunks everywhere until Joe Biden “wins”, or shit sticks to the moon, whichever comes first…

  2. I’ve volunteered to help count the “AV” ballots on election day at my polling location. You know the ones where you need no excuse not to show up. I am interested in how they will do the checking against the registered list. Will let you know.

  3. “Mail-in ballots” is the skeleton key in this election. “Mail-in ballots” does everything!

    If Biden wins, “mail-in ballots” secured the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

    If Trump narrowly leads after November 3, “mail-in ballots” will tip the balance of the election back toward Biden.

    If Trump leads in a landslide after November 3, it’s because millions of “mail-in ballots” were “fraudulently discarded, forever silencing the voices of millions of freedom-loving Americans”.

  4. You libs think you have momentum because of all the little snot nosed punks you’ve stirred up, just try and steal this election and see what it brings for your future!
    FUCK YOU!!!

  5. Can you imagine if DJT said it will appear on election night that Biden won in a landslide but I will not concede and we will find votes for weeks and take it to the courts. This needs to be stopped. I’m any event we are preparing for mass chaos and insanity by loading up on everything.

  6. Don’t forget the house and senate races. They will cheat just as much if not more to retake the senate and hold the house to handcuff and investigate Trump in case their plan A fails.


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