Democrats Poised For Complete Dominance of the Left Coast – IOTW Report

Democrats Poised For Complete Dominance of the Left Coast

The last GOP ember is expected to be extinguished in Washington State.

NYTs- It is the stuff of liberal fantasies: a vast, defiant territory, sweeping along the country’s Pacific coastline, governed by Democrats and resisting President Trump at every turn.

A single election in a wealthy Seattle suburb on Tuesday could make that scenario a reality, handing the party full control of government in Washington State — and extinguishing Republicans’ last fragile claim on power on the West Coast. The region has been a rare Democratic stronghold on an electoral map now dominated by vast swaths of red, and Republicans’ only toehold on power there has been a one-seat majority in the Washington State Senate.

The prospect of such far-reaching autonomy for Democrats, who already hold all three governors’ offices as well as both houses of the legislatures in Oregon and California, has infused extraordinary energy into what might have been a low-key special election. The race is on track to draw more than $9 million in campaign spending, a record-breaking sum for Washington State. National environmental and abortion rights groups have mobilized, business associations and oil companies have poured in money, and a former vice president, Joseph R. Biden Jr., has intervened on the Democratic side.

More at American Power Blog

14 Comments on Democrats Poised For Complete Dominance of the Left Coast

  1. I have always subscribed to the theory that the ultimate demise of these people is for them to get everything they want. I hate seeing innocent conservatives hurt in the process, but in many ways I hope they win and finish the job of destroying their states so they can be rebuilt by conservatives. The Democrats will be the architects of their own destruction.

  2. Seems to me we could goad North Korea into attacking the West Coast. Then after they take out, say, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles we can retaliate and wipe North Korea off the map. Problems solved.

  3. The democrat cunts (total redundancy now) are slowly but surely completely fucking up Washington state. Pretty much 75% of the people outside of King County are sick of these motherfuckers.

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