Democrats Preach About ‘Overpopulation,’ But The Reality Is Very Different – IOTW Report

Democrats Preach About ‘Overpopulation,’ But The Reality Is Very Different

Blue State Conservative:

We have all heard the stories about overpopulation and a looming crisis that it may pose. Many stories say that there are evil people out there who believe it so much that they are actively trying to reduce the population with various forms of policies and even potentially via nefarious means.

You may recall the Georgia Guides Stones that were recently destroyed, where locals blamed conspiracy theories and promoted this idea of depopulation. One of the key points of the Georgia Guide Stones was, “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.”

Many in mainstream “Leftists” media have jumped onto this idea as well. Never let a good crisis go to waste to achieve even more government control. Correct? See Leftists’ preacher Bill Maher in his “New Rule” segment – “Let the Population Collapse,” in the video below, trying to scare you into these ideological depopulation policies.

Others say that the “population crisis” is a scam. Former Greenpeace President Dr. Patrick Moore says the elites have a “suicide pact” to reduce the world’s population. He goes on to say, “We’re now facing a situation where a huge number of very powerful organizations and elites at an international and at national levels are calling for policies that are basically a suicide pact. Basically a death wish of some sort.” more here

13 Comments on Democrats Preach About ‘Overpopulation,’ But The Reality Is Very Different

  1. “The Case against Man,” Asimov, Isaac, 1971, the carrying capacity of Earth is about forty TRILLION humans.

    P.S. Asimov was a professor of biochemistry at the Boston University School of Medicine before he retired to take up his second career as most prolific science fiction writer.

  2. If every man, woman, and child on Earth were put into families of 4 and situated on 1/4 acre (with roads, &c.) it wouldn’t cover Kazakhstan. That would leave the entire rest of the World, and the Oceans, to be cultivated.

    The Malthusians are (and always have been) lying sacks of Monkey-poxed Shit whose world-view is socialistic and coercive, not innovative.

    You ever notice that they’re never willing to do away with themselves to “save” the planet? Always the other guy – Africans, Asians, South Americans, North Americans, Euro-Trash Bastards, Chinks, Mongrels, Indians, Australians, Indonesians, and Russians – but never anyone who makes more than $1 Million/yr.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “Fretting about overpopulation, is a perfect guilt-free – indeed, sanctimonious – way for progressives to be racists.”
    — P.J. O’Rourke, “All The Trouble In The World” (Essay title: Overpopulation: Just Enough Of Me, Way Too Many Of You)

  4. Overpopulation, Climate Change, Global Warming, Ya Da Ya Da Ya Da Ya Da Ya Da …
    I have yet to hear of Liberals turning off the gas and electricity in their parents home and so far as copulation for population goes, they ain’t gonna stop that either, but it sure feels righteous to hold those protest signs! The road goes on forever and the party never ends.

  5. One dedicated follower of the progressive agenda is one too many. If the worthless shitbags could stay out of other peoples business I might not feel that way. But there is no living with them. Period. Full stop.

  6. Message to the globalist, liberal elites who want to depopulate the world…you may, at any time kill yourself in order to gain what you want. The world will do much better without you. In particular, to my 2 idiotic gay cousins, who are all in for depopulation. Not them, of course, because they are GAY & vote democrat & worship at the altar of the Church Of Greta. But, the rest of us can just die or be killed, according to them.

  7. Notice that it’s always socialists/communists and liberals/democraps who have always been willing to kill millions of innocents to achieve their goals.

    Abortion supporters – check
    Nazis – check
    Communists – check
    Enviros – check
    WEF – check
    Euthanasia supporters – check

    It’s clear which perspective (Conservative)supports our God given right to exist and which holds live to be worth nothing.

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