Democrats Propose Money For Polar Icebreaker But Not For Border Wall – IOTW Report

Democrats Propose Money For Polar Icebreaker But Not For Border Wall

[…] According to the Congressional Research Service, the cost of a new icebreaker is about $1 billion, or $700 million if three ships are acquired for a total of $2.1 billion.

Notably, Democrats are not proposing any funding for a physical barrier on the border — just the “cutting-edge border security technology” described by Roybal-Allard.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi vowed Thursday that “[t]here is not going to be any wall money in the legislation” that emerges from the committee.  MORE

20 Comments on Democrats Propose Money For Polar Icebreaker But Not For Border Wall

  1. …simple, then. Issue change orders converting the icebreaker to the Dredge from Hell, and use it to dig the Rio Grande to a 20 foot depth and 10,000 food width. Use it to cut Baja California off, too.

    Cut it in Mexican territory, too. It’s not like their army can even fight off unarmed Guatemalans, so I’m pretty sure they’re not gonna go all Santa Anna on us, not successfully anyway, and ain’t NO ONE gonna miss Ciudad Juarez…

    …Then use the Escape from New York tactic of blowing up anyone IN the river.

    Problem solved, no wall needed…

    ..(watch at the 0.23 mark for a demonstration)…

  2. @anonymous; It’s precisely this man-made global warming nonsense that they’re proposing the icebreakers. They figure it will support their argument about warming when they say they’ll need the icebreakers to clear passage through the arctic channels that are so heavily ice logged that now warming is clearing the ice enough to create a year around path for commercial shipping. Oh, and they’d likely be built in eastern shipyards in states that are Democrat.
    As an aside I hope to hell it fails because the Arctic is an extremely sensitive environment and a single oil tanker failure up there would make the Exxon Valdez look like a dove birdwash commercial while it did permanent damage that would likely never recover.

  3. If we propose free ice cream for life for everybody in the US instead of the wall, that bitch Pelosi would fund it.
    I hope Mr. Trump uses the SOTU to declare a national emergency, so we can walk the democrats walk out.

  4. fund ice breakers to break ice that isn’t ours? Then they’ll say: ‘but, muh ice!’
    Our R&D department is designing polar bear guards for the front of them.

    you break it, you buy it

  5. …are you kidding, @gin blossom? Santa and his minions are the EPITOME of a Democrat wet dream…

    “I have only one firm belief about the American political system, and that is this: God is a Republican and Santa Claus is a Democrat.

    God is an elderly or, at any rate, middle aged male, a stern fellow, patriarchal rather than paternal and a great believer in rules and regulations. He holds men accountable for their actions. He has little apparent concern for the material well being of the disadvantaged. He is politically connected, socially powerful and holds the mortgage on literally everything in the world. God is difficult. God is unsentimental. It is very hard to get into God’s heavenly country club.

    Santa Claus is another matter. He’s cute. He’s nonthreatening. He’s always cheerful. And he loves animals. He may know who’s been naughty and who’s been nice, but he never does anything about it. He gives everyone everything they want without the thought of quid pro quo. He works hard for charities, and he’s famously generous to the poor. Santa Claus is preferable to God in every way but one: There is no such thing as Santa Claus.”

    -P.J. O’Rourke, “Parliament of Whores”

    (I recommend that book, by the way. It’s decades out of date, but PEOPLE certainly haven’t changed any since then, and SOME of those rascals he talks about in Congress are STILL THERE…


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