Democrats Pursue Three Routes To Amnesty – IOTW Report

Democrats Pursue Three Routes To Amnesty


President Joe Biden’s wish list amnesty bill is comatose on arrival, but Democrats are pushing ahead with three alternative amnesty strategies. More

It’s not just democrats ready to stab American workers in the back, there are plenty of Republican senators ready to do the same for their corporate masters. – Dr. Tar

4 Comments on Democrats Pursue Three Routes To Amnesty

  1. I am confused. Why can’t they unilaterally just say “you are all citizens now”? They have all three branches (thanks Justice Roberts. I will still give respect to the office, just not to you and those like you).

  2. Beyond simply legalizing however many millions of illegals to lock in their electoral majority, the only thing the Democrats care about is peeling off some Republicans so that they can claim that it was “bipartisan”. (Which is to say, spread the blame around so it doesn’t fall completely on them). They remember how bad it looked during the vote on Obamacare — straight party line — which meant that they owned that shit-sandwich and EVERYTHING that flowed from it. And they’ll get some Republicans, too: Romney, Murkowski, Collins, Cheney, Sasse, etc. Because both parties have a hankering for cheap foreign labor at the expense of the American citizen.

  3. “Because both parties have a hankering for cheap foreign labor at the expense of the American citizen.”

    Nah. That’s just the advertisement.

    It’s all about ensuring they are in power and destroying America.

    NWO, Reset – whatever it takes.


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