Democrats push State Department to investigate alleged human rights violations by Israel – IOTW Report

Democrats push State Department to investigate alleged human rights violations by Israel

WFB: The Israeli government on Wednesday pushed back against a new effort by Democrats to pressure the Obama administration into launching a probe of alleged Israeli human rights violations, a move that could threaten U.S. military aid to the Jewish state.

A group of 10 Democrats, led by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.), has petitioned the State Department to investigate the Israeli and Egyptian governments for human rights violations. The congressmen cited reports claiming Israeli security forces engaged in the torture and killing of Palestinians.

The letter prompted an angry response from the Israeli government, which dismissed the lawmakers’ allegations and accused them of unjustly attacking the Jewish state while ignoring Palestinian terrorism.  MORE

9 Comments on Democrats push State Department to investigate alleged human rights violations by Israel

  1. What? No mention of the world’s greatest murder machine islam and the countries dominated by this false religion in the middle east and africa? How about perpetrators of Christian genocide?

    leahy is a fool’s tool by attacking the only free democracy in the middle east that has stated and acted to protect their citizens from stabbings, bombings, infiltration by terrorists, espionage, rocket attacks and overthrow. Not to mention economic boycotts by the left.

    Then their leader (obama) travels to and opens trade with cuba.

    Evil is good and good is evil in the progressive/socialist/marxist democratic cabal.

  2. Aaah, now I see why Kerry declared genocide of Christians! I swear, if a liberal progressive seems to do anything that seems contrary to their norm, just wait for the other shoe to hit you in the dead.

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