Democrats refuse to cheer record low black unemployment and war heroes – IOTW Report

Democrats refuse to cheer record low black unemployment and war heroes

Wa Ex:

At last year’s State of the Union speech, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi became a meme and cemented her status as a resistance hero as she condescendingly clapped at President Trump after Democrats reclaimed the House. On Tuesday night, she embodied the caucus of sore losers to whom she handed reins of the Democratic Party, ripping up a copy of Trump’s remarkable, and remarkably positive, State of the Union address like a toddler in the midst of a tantrum.

But Pelosi had to make a scene. After all, not only will Trump likely best her with an acquittal in the Senate’s impeachment trial on Wednesday, but she also had to detract from the best of her bitty brats making a mockery of the party on national television.

For all that Trump may thrive on negative partisanship and lambasting his enemies, his State of the Union address had hardly a word antagonizing mainstream Democrats. He spent the bulk of his introduction touting the economy’s gains, especially for low-income and minority workers, and then a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill and trade deals. The only potshot directly lobbed at any Democrat was his worthwhile dig at socialized health insurance, and he postured against late-term abortion and literal open borders.

If there were any Trump speech to clap for placidly, this was it, and if there were any moment to do so, now, on the eve of the conclusion of an impeachment trial claiming to appeal to a return to decorum and normalcy, was the time to do it. read more

21 Comments on Democrats refuse to cheer record low black unemployment and war heroes

  1. I like how Majority Mitch let them hold the acquittal vote after IA and the SOTU. At first I thought he was rolling over for them. Now I see he was stepping aside to let them run through a field of rakes. Pelosi made the acquittal vote so much easier. Hell, Mitt might even vote to acquit now.


  2. Really?
    Why would they applaud low unemployment?

    Eight fucking years of Obola destroying our economy so that the socialists could, with malice aforethought, make everyone DEPENDENT on gov’t!
    THAT was the plan, and THAT was the result.
    Probably the most successful war against America in History!
    (Wilson, Roosevelt, and Carter are in the running)

    The Demonrats are no longer hiding their agenda, but we STILL don’t get it!

    The more circumspect keep their cards close to their chests, but the BS-O’Cortez-Warren-Butterbutt axis is quite vocal – and unequivocal – about their aims – socialist totalitarianism and the destruction of the Republic to be replaced by a totalitarian Dictatorship (pretending to be “fo da pee-pull.”

    We suffer their existence (at the apogee of political discourse) at our peril.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Of course they remained seated. The President didn’t say anything worthy of cheering, quite the opposite actually.

    The address was one big eye roll for those that showed up representing libtards. I find it hard to believe most democrats would vote for these goons had they taken a moment to watch their behaviour — Watch who represents your vote!!

    Then you’ve got Illan and Rashida giggling and cracking jokes the whole time and Nadler and Schiff looking like pieces of shit. Don’t forget the frigid women in white, every single one of them with resting bitch face.

  4. Refusing to cheer record low Black unemployment flatly shows they don’t care about the economic condition of Blacks they have decried for so long, or any other conditions they constantly try to use to get Black votes either.

    Blacks mean votes to them, they care about nothing else about Blacks than getting their votes, and they are now losing them and their support to the better stations in life, dignity, and self respect that Trump is bringing to them.

  5. Of course the Demonrats wouldn’t be happy about record black unemployment. It’s not only that they hate, and are jealous of President Trump’s success, it’s that the now employed blacks are viewed by Demonrats as runaway slaves from the Democrat plantation.

  6. I am no spring chicken and what Pelosi and her ilk displayed last night was the greatest level of incivility I have ever witnessed. Today’s Demon-cratic party are truly despicable and soulless human beings. Worst of all is that they are devoid of shame.

  7. As awful as the Democrats’ performance at last night’s SOTU was, there is a dramatically good takeaway from it: it’s pretty damn obvious that we no longer have a majority Uniparty in this country! My guess is the McConnell’s, Graham’s, Ryan’s and Collin’s of the GOP are feeling just a little bit sad about that right about now. With the Democrat Socialists running the D side, there’s probably not nearly as much horse trading going on in the Senate cloak room and the House cafeteria. Not so much glad handing and scotch drinking after “the brawl” on the floor. The cheats and the crooks in the GOP seem to be taking all this damn Trump Transparency to heart as they continue to distance themselves from their crony counterparts across the aisle. (Why no camera shots of that carpetbagger, Romney, last night? Or did I miss his “presidential”, disapproving face?)

    While reading through newspaper headlines of the Civil War and Lincoln’s reelection, I ran across one declaring that the Democrat Socialists party was defeated in one of the Nordic countries at the same time, and that their party leaders “fled the country.” How cool is that? So many parallels to the Trump and Lincoln administrations and mood of the country and world.

  8. I don’t know why everyone seems to be pissed about the Pelosi and the Dems silent and sulking about Trumps good news on black unemployment. You should be thanking them. If this doesn’t make it into election ads targeting minority voters it would be criminal. Shots of the Dems frowning and sitting on their hands while Trump speaks on the huge gains minorities have made make a devastating ad in minority districts held by Dems. This will be especially true where a black Democrat Senator or Congressman is the incumbent and you have actual video of them sitting silent. If black support for the Democrats is eroding then this can only speed up the process.


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