Democrats slam Biden over classified documents after he used issue against Trump: ‘Embarrassing.’ – IOTW Report

Democrats slam Biden over classified documents after he used issue against Trump: ‘Embarrassing.’

JTN: Democrats are criticizing President Joe Biden for using the issue of classified documents against Donald Trump when he had his own problem with sensitive memos at his home and office.

Classified documents from Biden’s tenure as vice president were found in November, December and this month at his former office at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C., and at his home in Wilmington, Del. 

In August, Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate was raided by the FBI over classified materials from his tenure at theWhite House. Trump had previously complied with a subpoena and voluntarily handed over some classified materials before the raid. 

Special counsels have been appointed in both cases regarding Trump and Biden. 

Biden criticized Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified documents in September, saying it was “totally irresponsible.” 

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) told NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday that after Biden had criticized Trump over allegedly mishandling classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, the fact that he also allegedly mishandled classified documents was problematic.

“Well, it’s certainly embarrassing,” Stabenow said.  MORE

12 Comments on Democrats slam Biden over classified documents after he used issue against Trump: ‘Embarrassing.’

  1. This crap will drag on until the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey is past his Usurped position or dead.
    Four or five years from now some court will declare that the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey was wrong but that there may have been mitigating circumstances – unlike in the case of President Trump.

    End of Discussion – as far as the Court’s concerned.

    We’ve heard this before – and we’ll hear it again – nihilistic totalitarianism has a very limited playlist – no “creativity” whatsoever.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This is additional evidence that the documents were indeed planted — BY DEMOCRATS. They’re desperate to be rid of the Bidens and their innumerable embarrassments to the party. Getting Joe to resign or be replaced will now require only a simple application of the 25th Amendment.

  3. Trump legally has classified documents: IMPEACH! HANG! STRIP HIS SUPPORTERS OF THEIR CONSTIPATIONAL RIGHTS! BURN THIS BITCH DOWN!@#%$#%%^**(^$@!+×__/=÷@!!!!!elevent6@$^&*>_%%”%=!!!

    Biden illegally has classified documents: Oh, that rascal! He’s a naughty boy! But it was for a good cause, and there weren’t that many. LOOK! TRUMP!!! IMPEACH! HANG! STRIP HIS SUPPORTERS OF THEIR CONSTIPATIONAL RIGHTS! BURN THIS BITCH DOWN!@#%$#%%^**(^$@!+×__/=÷@!!!!!elevent6@$^&*>_%%”%=!!!

  4. Correction, no President or Vice President may take in his possession upon leaving office any Classified top secret documents. Further more all other Presidential Vice Presidential documents must be approved & cleared through Archive s before leaving office, if he wants to have copies in his possession or displayed in a Presidential library. No Trump can not take any documents from his time in office, they are not his to take, those documents are the possession of the Federal government. Only his personal documents that are not involved in day to day operations of the Federal government his he allowed to take.

  5. “Getting Joe to resign or be replaced will now require only a simple application of the 25th Amendment.” If only that was true. There is nothing simple about the 25th Amendment. As an example it is easier to Impeach than to try to invoke the 25th Amendment.
    Read up on it. Today’s laugh, Lauren Boebert asserts that “God gave Moses only Ten Amendments.”

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  7. Just cringe worthy.

    The funniest thing was
    – “My wife always has a rule. When it’s someone’s birthday,….etc”-

    As if he’s showing respect and wants everyone to do the same.
    Then, he blows the whole stupid ass idea up anyway with his mumbling 2 syllables not even remotely close to her name, completely destroying the faux importance of “Dr” Jill’s tradition.


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