Democrats Strategy Excludes Men – IOTW Report

Democrats Strategy Excludes Men

The Federalist

Simply stated, it’s a fully intentional effort by the Harris campaign to make the 2024 electorate split about sex, not policy, just like Democrats and the media tried to do in 2016. And just like in 2016, the male vote will make or break the Trump or Harris campaign — but a great deal has changed since Hillary Clinton was beaten. 

For starters, a February 2024 Pew Research Center study shows men are now more interested than women in starting families by a margin of 57 to 45 percent. 

Another Pew Research study said nearly two-thirds of Trump-supporting male voters think society should prioritize marriage and children. Less than a quarter of male Democrat supporters shared the same sentiment. Among Democrat-supporting women, it was just 16 percent. More

16 Comments on Democrats Strategy Excludes Men

  1. What are they called?

    Dem Soy Boys?

    Their the ones that start their sentences with “Yea, no . .”
    Next Sentence “Yea, no . .”
    “Yea, no”

    Shark Tank Turd Talkers
    Like Scaramuchi
    “Yea, no, look . . ”

    Limp Dick Losers

    No wonder they push all those pills

  2. Democrat Press Conferences exclude hard questions in Detroit.

    A;; the Hard Question’ers are down in Palm Beach.

    Looks like a normal DNC MSM SoftBall Lineup.


  3. ^^ All the Hard Questioners are down in Florida.

    A duly diligent Press Watcher will take Note of the huge differences in Tone and Tenors of the questions asked of the Democrat Campaign Press Event getting ready to air.

    Kid Gloves to Kamala and Spit Balls to Trump

    That’s HOW THEY PLAY.

  4. “Shark Tank Turd Talkers”
    “Yea, no, look . . ”
    “Having said that…”
    ‘It virtually went viral…
    “I kid you not…”
    “Dude! Then he dropped the microphone!”
    “It was, like, UNBELIEVABLE, man! Can you believe it?”

    (Am I getting the gist of anything there?)

  5. @a great deal has changed since Hillary Clinton was beaten : “Yes, Dominion’s been added.”

    Dominion was active then. The only reason we got Trump in 2016 was because the stealers screwed up.


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