Democrats Threaten to Pack SCOTUS If Abortion Is Tossed – IOTW Report

Democrats Threaten to Pack SCOTUS If Abortion Is Tossed


Today, we’re getting a real-time lesson in how Washington works. It’s an ongoing drama. We can all observe as the Democrats and their allies in the Main Stream Media seek to intimidate the Supreme Court, trying to scare it away from issuing conservative rulings.   

Democrats are saying, in effect, That’s a nice Supreme Court ya got there. Shame if anything were to happen to it. More

14 Comments on Democrats Threaten to Pack SCOTUS If Abortion Is Tossed

  1. The concept of a Conservative or liberal ruling…

    The Constitution IS engrossed in plain English — though I suppose many of them can’t read it.

  2. I’d expect nothing less from them. They’re the most vindictive SOB’s to ever draw air and will never forgive and forget. A beatdown is all they understand and all they need because some people you just can’t reach.

  3. Sounds like a threat.
    I thought that threatening “Judges” was illegal?
    Oh, I know Chuck Schumer got away with it a couple of years ago, but just the same …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The Dems want a Court that “looks like America” with proportional “Representation” from every voting bloc.

    For that matter, why not nominate illegal immigrants – I mean Newly Arrived Americans?

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