Democrats want to be hated and feared – IOTW Report

Democrats want to be hated and feared

Patriot Retort:

Is it just me or have you noticed how desperately Democrats want to be hated and feared?

It’s become so widespread, they actually brag about it.

You think that bird-flipping weirdo politician who livestreamed himself attacking pro-life women and threatening to dox them is an anomaly?

Think again.

This recent desire to be hated and feared first reared its ugly head with the rise of the deeply stupid Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

As I pointed out before she was even elected, she routinely tweeted that Republicans are scared of her — like it’s a badge of honor to instill fear.

In her case, however, it’s wishful thinking.  Ocacio-Cortez wants to be feared – not because she’s particularly scary, but because it allows her to dismiss any criticism as “They’re just scared of me.”

But the Democrat trend to be hated and feared is really kicking into hyperdrive.  read more

26 Comments on Democrats want to be hated and feared

  1. This is just a natural extension, provided to us in living color by the Antifa mob, of the “Punch a Nazi” principal;

    Nazi’s are evil so they deserve to be punched, opinions that diverge from ours are evil and akin to Nazi’s, words that offend are akin to violence, ergo violence is an accepted and appropriate reaction to Nazi’s or those that act Nazi like, either in action or speech.

    Brian Simms will be perceived as a hero, someone who not only cares about women’s re-productive rights, but someone who stands up against evil. He is their gladiator, their Arc Angel Gabriel, songs will be written about his courage and humanity. Of course it’s backwards, fascists and totalitarians can not allow niceties or decorum to retard their higher calling.

  2. …Machiavelli wrote a whole book about this once, but they probably never made it past the Cliff notes, but decided “THIS is for ME”…

    “It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both.”

    …love is HARD. Fear is EASY. ‘Nuff said.

    “Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are.”
    …that’s what they COUNT on..

    “If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.”

    …which is what they were hoping to do to our President…

    “Politics have no relation to morals.”

    …boy, they live THAT every day!

    (All quotes from Machiavelli’s “The Prince”)

    …they WANT to rule by fear, but it only works if we play along and FEAR them…

    …go with the Paul Anka strategy. Works every time…

  3. They’re more contemptible than hateable. They’re beneath the level of hatred, which requires emotional investment. Contempt doesn’t. I might hate them if I expected better of them. I don’t.

    View them as you would a nest of copperheads you find in your yard. It is to be recognized as a threat and dispassionately but vigorously dispatched, not hated or feared.

    2 cents.

  4. Hating people who want to destroy
    your way of life is easy.

    Unless they have you ridiculously
    outnumbered and / or outgunned,

    There is NO reason to fear them.

  5. Brian Simms is a homosexual so naturally he will be protected. I’ve read that they don’t like the term ,”Homosexual” so I will repeat, Simms is a homosexual.

  6. In Russia the Communists were first hated, then feared as they gained power to be the government. Being arrested and imprisoned was enough to fear, but the horrendous types of torture they did to millions of Russians was horrifyingly worse. Atheistic, satanic governance instills extreme fear in potential victims. The Democrats are Communistic, they want to be hated so they can justify being feared. With enough power to back them up, they are blatantly being criminal, and allowing criminality as in AntiFa, Black Lives Matter, decriminalizing the crimes of Blacks nationwide, and encouraging sedition and treason. They know this is their agenda:

    HUTCH · JUNE 19, 2018

    “In our current times, certain presidents yearn for complete power. Some have achieved this already. Chiseling away at established checks-and-balances systems and boundaries of decency, some pine for the day when they see glory in derided systems of the world’s history. One established weapon throughout the history of dictators is a secret or state police. Empowered by the dictator, they are driven to extract information and eradicate any resistance to their leader’s power. The Gestapo may be the most popular – or most used in our current vernacular – but not necessarily the most ruthless.”

    “Hundreds of Cheka Committees were established across Russia, led by Iron Felix – across Dec 20 1917 arrest torture and execute – Feb 6 1922. The Cheka stems from the full name in Russian: The All Russian Emergency Commission for Combatting Counter-Revolution and Sabotage.** Cheka’s focus was “defending the revolution by removing defectors” [4]. Lenin’s decree of the Cheka’s powers and parameters were intentionally vague.
    In 1918 – 1921, The Cheka held 200,000 members. Their favorite techniques are, but not limited to:
    [A list of horrors]

  7. Wanting something implies that there’s actual thinking going on.

    This is foaming mob behavior. And it’s dangerous. Even if what they spout is ridiculous and laughable, don’t underestimate. Psych studies show that even if, e.g. politicos and media start out knowing that what they are saying is bullshit, as their own emotions engage, they become demented (emotions take over) and committed to and believers in what they are saying.

    We’re relatively pampered here in the U.S.; we grew up thinking that the atrocities we’ve read of in other countries when sickfs whip up mobs “can’t happen here”. Well, it sure looks like we’re getting close to it “happening here” if these lunatics gain power. They need to be smacked down and good. I’m not laughing.

  8. They are an indication of the failure of the education system to educate chair sitters.

    The terms democrat and functional illiterate are interchangable. Swallowswell is a prime example.

  9. My sixteen-year-old son heard AOC’s voice today on that video where she’s saying, “I’m told this is a garbage disposal.” After he finished laughing he said he wasn’t sure which he was laughing more at: her ridiculous voice or that she doesn’t know what a garbage disposal is. (We don’t have one and he still knows what one is.)

    Wait til I tell him she thinks anybody is scared of her. LOL!

  10. I’m not scared of her… I’m scared of the shitbombs who put her there. I could sleep her with one right to the jaw. If I had to sleep the rest of them I’d be too busy to herd goats and ducks. Leave me the fuck alone. If you promise to leave me the fuck alone I promise to leave you the fuck alone. Done. It’s a contract. Leave me the fuck alone. But you better not be a nefarious motherfucker, to boot. Nefarious motherfuckers die horrifically.

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