Democrats Will Regret Not Walking Away When They Could – IOTW Report

Democrats Will Regret Not Walking Away When They Could

AG: One can imagine a future in which Democrats, reflecting on our present, are shouting to their past selves, “Walk away!” As I will show below, the Democrat’s continued obsession with opening the pandora’s box of the Mueller report will only make things worse for the get-Trump crowd as the hoax chickens increasingly come home to roost.

Politico recently reported how Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office rapidly wound down operations after delivering the report to Attorney General Barr. It took most of a weekend for Barr to wade through the report before issuing a summary. Calls for a full, unredacted release of the report could not be accommodated immediately because virtually everything in the report remained a tangled mess of grand jury information, classified information, and innuendo that the Justice Department could not ethically release in the absence of an indictment.

In contrast with Kenneth Starr’s report on President Bill Clinton, which was drafted in a form ready for public release, the Mueller report inexplicably requires additional work to get the lion’s share into the public domain. Why, Byron York asked, would the Mueller team not prepare the report for public release? Why force the attorney general to spend the time to comb through the materials to redact and excerpt the materials which must not be released. Didn’t the attorney with oversight, Rod Rosenstein, publicly warn Americans that uncharged conduct could not be released into the public domain? Isn’t that exactly one of the reasons that Rosenstein supported the dismissal of James Comey? The answer portends disaster for the Trump-Russia hoaxers.

Mueller’s team has played dirty from the start. Contrary to the public narrative that the team was “leak-proof,” the opposite is actually true. As I recently wrote, “It has been three years of innuendo and leaksleaksleaksleaks, and uncountable more examples of leaks dripping poison into the poison-addicted pens of the partisan media. The Mueller team has never had to prove anything involving Trump-Russian collusion to anyone because the special counsel needs no proof to function as a potent political weapon.”

To name two awful examples: the leak of the Cohen/Trump audio recording that appears to have been seized by the feds and the leak of the written questions to the president. Add to that list a new leak reported by the New York Times, “Some of Robert S. Mueller III’s investigators have told associates that Attorney General William P. Barr failed to adequately portray the findings of their inquiry and that they were more troubling for President Trump than Mr. Barr indicated, according to government officials and others familiar with their simmering frustrations.”

Did you get that? Anonymous sources claiming to be familiar with other anonymous sources on the Mueller team are the source for the New York Times article. Double secret hearsay. My editor would laugh in my face if I tried to publish an article with such flimsy of sourcing. But no standard is too low in the pursuit of getting Trump.  more

11 Comments on Democrats Will Regret Not Walking Away When They Could

  1. “…the Justice Department could not ethically release in the absence of an indictment.” (emphasis mine)

    – or release as a matter of law, as legal scholars have pointed out elsewhere.

  2. Hey idiot Dems, while you’re busy dismantling Mueller’s carefully constructed coverup because you think he hid stuff in there for you to find, why don’t you demand that the prosecution of that Russian “troll farm”, Concord, go forward? Mueller has been keeping that one as his ace in the hole. Let the Golden Age of Discovery begin!

  3. I do believe that they indeed have overplayed their hand…this time.

    Of course I could be wrong but they have NEVER in the political lifes have seen and had to face a NYC alpha like we have in the POTUS.

    The POTUS occupies time spent in their pickled brains and ladies and gents, THAT is good.

    That is winning.

    What is that saying?

    ‘You are getting flak because you are over the target’.

    And, your rear tail gunner is FIRING away at those nipping away.

    B-52h with Gatling Gun:


    Open the doors I say…it’s about THAT time…

  4. It’s not only the D’s who are worried. If POTUS Trump sets this precedent of releasing this unique set of documents for the public to view, and if AG Barr does his job (which will be harder — than in times past — not to do, because of it), American patriots will get the idea that there’s no limit to prosecuting corrupt officials in D.C. Wow. What a novel idea.

  5. The battle lines are not Libtard vs Repub ladies. The battle lines are Globalist vs Nationalist. Think back to the first debate. That was a bellwether moment. And when I knew for certain Trump was our guy. Where do you think the Krotch Brother money is going this election cycle? Don’t be surprised to see Mitt challenge Trump. He certainly has the ego.

  6. BB — Yes, of course. But it helps to remind folks that many of those globalists are R’s, too. Conservative media (and blogs) should be taken to task for forgetting.


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