Demonrats Abandoning Sinking Ship – IOTW Report

Demonrats Abandoning Sinking Ship

The Hill-

Democrats brace for flood of retirements after Virginia rout

Democrats are bracing for the possibility of a coming wave of retirements as the party comes to grips with a series of ominous electoral losses in Virginia and other states that portend trouble in the 2022 midterms.

Fourteen House Democrats have already announced that they will not seek reelection in 2022. But the painful string of defeats in Tuesday’s off-year elections is stirring speculation that more of the party’s incumbents may be eyeing the exits ahead of the midterms in hopes of avoiding brutal reelection campaigns or being relegated once again to the minority.

Republicans, emboldened by their recent victories, are already firing warning shots at House Democrats. In an interview with The Washington Post on Wednesday, Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), the chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), gave vulnerable Democratic incumbents an ultimatum: “Retire or lose.”

Those remarks came as the NRCC expanded its list of targets on Wednesday, adding 13 new Democratic incumbents in solidly blue, suburban districts, sending a signal that the GOP is prepared to go on offense in parts of the country that they previously appeared unlikely to win.

“I think, before [Tuesday’s elections], there were some members already thinking about it,” one senior Democratic House aide said. “And if they weren’t, I’ll bet you they are now.”


14 Comments on Demonrats Abandoning Sinking Ship

  1. News to me. New ad from Virginia running today thanking Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger for passing the latest boondoggle Pelosi bill just rolled tonight during Jeopardy.

    These assholes are tripling down in a state they just lost.

    Gird thy loins for total combat.

  2. crap! … don’t you just love these new web designs that don’t allow edits

    take out one of those ‘also’s … don’t care which one

    shit fire to save matches! … as my GreatGrandpappy always said

  3. My Republican rep, in a SOLID Maga community….Anthony Fucking Gonzales… a traitorous rat is not going to re-run so he’s voting with the demons as frequently as possible. It’s hard to believe how much visceral hatred I’m becoming capable of. My point is, even with all the demons running for the hills, we still have our own party bent on destruction or cowardly go-along-to-get-along


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