Dempanic is obviously calculated, and it’s sad to see how many of our citizens can be led by the nose – IOTW Report

Dempanic is obviously calculated, and it’s sad to see how many of our citizens can be led by the nose

ht/ c.steven tucker

31 Comments on Dempanic is obviously calculated, and it’s sad to see how many of our citizens can be led by the nose

  1. Also Nevertrumpanic. Radio Dr. Sweaty Thumb Erickson is dispensing grim daily updates, expressing concern about the Trump administration’s actions and chiding those among his audience who are insufficiently alarmed. That is enough to keep me completely calm. He’s never right about anything.

  2. I am pissed off beyond belief, our fucking idiot Governor Jay Inslee in Wash. state has banned any groups of more than 250 people to come together for any event in Seattle and beyond. The NCAA caved on the Men’ and Women’s basketball tournaments which are to begin next week including first round games in Spokane. And the Mariners and the rest of MLB will soon cave so no baseball anytime soon. I hate these meddling mother fuckers, they can go pound sand as far as I am concerned. And my daughter and I have tickets to the Mariners/Red Sox series next month. These spoilsports and cowards and chicken shits are nothing but a bunch of fucking ninnies. Sorry about the rant but like I say I’m pissed at these bastards are going to find a way to blame it on President Trump. Are they next gonna ban political rallies and especially Trump rallies while giving the democraps a pass. The whole thing stinks to high heaven and no good will come from it.

  3. This virus is way over blown. There is zero evidence that the virus is of any concern. Sure people have died, but other illnesses are much more lethal yet of little thought.

  4. I don’t think that I’ve sworn this much or used as much profanity in my comments above since I was in the Navy back in the mid 70’s. I will probably curtail any further comments for a while till I can get my blood pressure from boiling over. I honestly didn’t and can’t believe that so many people are panicked over this.

  5. Read this and tell me there are no satirical takes on it:


    Kent’s Corona EconoLodge:

    “The homeless check-in; they don’t check-out.”

    “Sorry, the ice machine is busted.”

    “Room service? *cough cough*”
    “Surely, you jest.”

    “No maid service. Want clean sheets? Wash them in the bathtub.”

    (Hey, I live at Ground Zero. Just trying to maintain a sense of humor.)

  6. I just heard a Doctor of epidemiology on the radio taking questions from listeners. A guy calls in, says his wife has ALS, and they have a cruise planned mid April, both in their 30’s. Doc says as long as wife is not on immunosuppressors, go on the cruise. That doesn’t sound too apocalyptic to me.

    Oh, and the next caller, knowledgeable about epidemiology asked the Doc to correct something Erick Erickson had said earlier lolol

  7. True story:

    I had a Provincial natural gas safety Inspection today. They usually Take a whole day and bill us $185 per hour. They walk the entire building inside and out & look for anything that needs to be enforced $$$$.

    Due to COVID-19 he was done in 90 minutes and DID NOT want to go inside the building.

    Tonight I celebrate with SCOTCH and $1200 extra bucks.

    Canadian bucks so about $875 US

  8. They were talking about closing Disney World/Land on CNBC the other day and I thought that was just hysteria but now that they are actually playing the NCAA and NBA games EMPTY and canceling college in person classes sometimes for the rest of the semester (which CU just did) who knows where it ends. And Vegas is still going to be packed as are lots of other places. If this is so contagious why hasn’t it been there and flourished with as many foreign visitors as they have?

  9. @ geoff the aardvark MARCH 11, 2020 AT 5:22 PM
    “I am pissed off beyond belief, our fucking idiot Governor Jay Inslee in Wash. state has banned any groups of more than 250 people to come together for any event in Seattle and beyond.”

    Gee, most Christian church services are over 250 people, some by a LOT. I wonder if that is a coincidence.

  10. Governor of Ohio closed colleges. These kids are partying!! Can’t say I blame them! What a fd up situation! We have college students working with us and this student said that the president of college lives next door to dewine and said he would not close the college but then dewine called a meeting and all of a sudden colleges are cancelled or have to take classes on line.

  11. FreedomCat MARCH 11, 2020 AT 8:58 PM
    “Governor of Ohio closed colleges”

    …DeWine’s basically a Democrat anyway, like Kasisch before him…Ohio can’t have a conservative Governor as long as the Northwest cities are subsidiaries of Detroit and the UAW, Columbus is run by the Somalis, Cleveland is hopelessly liberal, and the People’s Republic of Cincinnati remains a “Sanctuary City”.

    …DeWine doesn’t want to take everyone’s guns. He wants to take everyone’s guns AND freedom, if that says anything about the man…

    …RINO doesn’t even cover it. DIABLO (Democrat In All But Label Only) is more like it…

  12. I’m with Illustr8r, traffic has been bothering me as my lil’ town gets built up. Coronavirus has emptied out the grocery store and there’s far fewer people on the road.

  13. Operation COVID Lockdown. This is a dry run for when the left have control of the White House again. The only way to stall a booming economy is to create a crisis – where have we heard that before.

    The Trump administration has confirmed leftist policies can be defeated. That just can’t stand and those who support freedom and liberty must be punished for their defiance and distain for the left.

    If the progressive elite (Deep State) get total control of the U.S. government, expect even more severe measures to implement the left’s crushing socialist policies than to close venues, public events and educational institutions. They won’t need a virus for an excuse – only a rumored lie broadcasted by a compromised media.

    The left knows no limits. Food and water supplies could be targeted…and rationed as a tactic. Some would say, “sounds like a conspiracy theory”, well the left is depending on a ill informed, brainwashed indoctrinated public to panic over an engineered, politically weaponized COVID conspiracy – just as planned.

  14. Monkey
    MARCH 11, 2020 AT 5:02 PM
    “SHIT! I gotta go get some toilet paper!!!!!!”

    …an explanation for the toilet paper thing that I’ve heard is that, when Dems make a panic like this: every time one person sneezes, a dozen other people shit their pants…

  15. @ 99th: I agree. This is a way to slow the economy down to try and help the election go to the Dem’s.

    What really sucks is that I’m running out of toilet paper at work and can’t find any.

  16. I agree with you ALL, but what is going on around here, in the metro NYC is a combination of Sandy and 9/11 (yes the repercussions thereafter). The local shopping stores are madness and forget big box stores.

    @Geoff – the office I work in is closed and we are told to ‘work’ from home which AIN’T my style so just imagine!?

    Trying to be cool for my crew here. Sons schools closed on Friday, for cleaning and the district trying to figure out how the fuck to move forward.

    I’s kinda serious shit here.


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