Dempanic Price Gouger Gets Shut Down By Amazon – IOTW Report

Dempanic Price Gouger Gets Shut Down By Amazon

This jerk, and his brother, rode around Tennessee buying up all the hand sanitizer they could find, at retail prices, in order to sell it all on Amazon above retail price. Some bottles were selling for 70 bucks.

Nice way to make a buck. By nice, I met shitty.

15 Comments on Dempanic Price Gouger Gets Shut Down By Amazon

  1. I have somehow managed to make it through life without ever availing myself to these sanitizers. As far as I’m concerned he can charge whatever he likes for these luxury products.

  2. They saw an opportunity and took it.

    Then it was taken away from them by higher authorities to keep them from profiting from it.

    Which of those two things is more representative of capitalism and which more representative socialism?

  3. This guy is making national news trying to profit by hoarding a product to resell. Kroger’s was full of people when I was there saturday morning hoarding products others would need with the only difference being that they are presumably not reselling it.

  4. I’m with Anonymous on this. The first rule of exchange is: It’s not what is fair, it’s what the parties agree to.

    If some lazy idiot wants to spend $70. for a $4. bottle of hand sanitizer, let them. But where were the author-i-tays when Mylan increased the price of their Epipen by 500% and got oblowme to sign a law that incentivizes the gov’t schools to keep them on hand.


  5. Notice how govt did nothing to stop the same EXACT thing with rim fire ammo during the dark days of the Obama regime? I always buy in bulk and had about ten cases plus a couple dozen Bucket O’ Bullets sitting in mom’s basement, some of it bought for ten cents on the dollar after the last panic.

    The blessing was that my daughter and I donated five or six Bucket O’ Bullets to a Six year old girl that contracted leukemia and they went for between $350 and $400 each. I had people trying to buy it from me but we need it for our Montana trips and stuff.

    I paid $19 for Bucket O’ Bullets at cabela’s back in ‘08 on sale plus coupon. I was paying about a hundred per case for Mini Mag HP from guys who panic bought at the gun shows for $400. Less for stuff I just plink with, which is almost every thing else, much less. Take it or leave it.

    During the Obama years there were people who’s family would be at every store every morning and would buy all the rim fire ammo and resell it for a four hundred percent markup at the gun shows. It was never in stores longer than five minutes after they opened.

  6. Profit is one thing, excessive profiteering puts the spotlight on greediness and stupidity.

    Sucking up all the available sanitizers is plain not in keeping with love thy neighbor.

    Karma’s a bitch.

  7. I think they have laws in Florida for price gouging on the run up time before a hurricanes.
    Buying a cart full is one thing but 18,000 bottles is just wrong.
    I wonder how long it will take him to return it all, its all mixed up and the stores have different bar codes to read.

  8. Overstocking for yourself is not only greedy, but it makes things worse for yourself. If your fellow Americans can’t get what they need to keep the virus at bay it only increases your chance of falling ill.

  9. Family man huh? Hope his family has numerous recipes for Hand Sanitizer. I imagine after this genius blew his wad on nothing but hand sanitizer he can’t unload, they’re sure to have little else to eat.
    I appreciate his stab at capitalism, just not his business model.


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