Dems are talking about censuring Trump, but what does that mean? – IOTW Report

Dems are talking about censuring Trump, but what does that mean?


As the appetite for impeachment wanes, Democrats are talking again about censuring Donald Trump. This isn’t a fresh idea. Eight months into Trump’s presidency, Nancy Pelosi urged Congress to censure the president “for his repulsive defense of white supremacy in the wake of Charlottesville.” A common link between efforts then and now was that the president’s language was wide open to interpretation, suggesting the move by Dems were more a vendetta than it was an effort to rein in and out-of-control president.

So what exactly is a censure, and what does it entail? The answer to the first question may be found in the recently updated “Resolutions to Censure the President: Procedure and History,” published by the Congressional Research Service, which informs us that “Congress has no disciplinary authority over the President except through
impeachment. Thus, presidential censure resolutions express the ‘sense of’ the House and/or Senate without additional legal implications.”

If that sounds vague and watered-down, that’s because it is. MORE

19 Comments on Dems are talking about censuring Trump, but what does that mean?

  1. Bosh and nonsense.
    Congress is beneath contempt. Most of them are ossified old charlatans that failed at managing inherited wealth.
    When Lazlo was in one of his first leadership positions, running a 20 person hand line fire crew, I asked an old Supervisor for any advice. He said: “When in command, take command.”
    That is exactly what Mr. Trump is doing. These retards in Congress are reacting to Mr. Trump the way the Crowned heads of Europe reacted to an emerging power called The United States of America. They called us crass, ill mannered, upstarts with no regard for the niceties and nuances of statecraft.
    Fook them and their censure. Just one more camera op for Aunty Shiff and No-Nadsler

  2. Congressional censure is nothing more than a childish temper tantrum, because they can’t get their way even through cheating in every way possible.

    The losing 2016, even through every effort of cheating, is why Hillary is still in tantrum mode. Same for Stacy Abrams.

    I laugh at childish, rolling on the floor, kicking and screaming tantrums of rotten children and losers, and in the case of Congress I hope they hurt themselves.

  3. article goes on to say that the repubs have everything to lose because it will show they’re supporting Trump … so?

    & even if they were worried about it they could always pull an Obozo & vote ‘Present’


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