Dems Data Firm Warns Of A “Red Mirage” In November – IOTW Report

Dems Data Firm Warns Of A “Red Mirage” In November

Washington Examiner

A top Democratic data firm is warning that a huge increase in mail-in ballots in 2020 may have the election night effect of making President Trump appear to have a landslide lead, even though he may lose once all the mail-in votes are counted.

Hawkfish, a Democratic data firm funded by billionaire former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, expects far more Democrats to vote by mail than Republicans. That expectation is based on a July 1-Aug. 16 survey of 17,263 registered voters nationwide, which measured how people intend to vote and who they intend to vote for.

Because it could take days or weeks to tally the mail-in ballots, that could create the effect of making Trump look like he is in the lead on election night.

“We are sounding an alarm and saying that this is a very real possibility, that the data is going to show on election night an incredible victory for Donald Trump,” Hawkfish CEO Josh Mendelsohn told Axios, calling the effect a “red mirage.” More

I don’t like that they already have a term for their plan to steal the election, Bill Whittle hates it even more for other reasons. Watch

12 Comments on Dems Data Firm Warns Of A “Red Mirage” In November

  1. Trump should troll these idiots and drop a Twitter bomb: Encourage his supporters to fill out the mail in vote and then show up on election day too… Ha. See how fast their mail in scam collapse’s when the shoe is put on the other foot. 😉


  2. Joe will be so crushed by Trump voters, the numbers of Jack Ass voters would have to exceed the population by 20 times. More attention will be paid to mail in voters, In 2016,I did see some dead people voting in New England. The penalty for valse voting should be firing squad or a swim at Gitmo Bay,

  3. worried that this scenario will play out in Pennsyltucky, & the upper midwest states … they’ve already stolen PA in ’12 & Al Franken’s election in Minnesota

    … it’s not going to be a big leap for them to do this enough to throw the ’20 election

    why do you think it took so long to ‘count the ballots’ in PA last election?

  4. I wonder what the country would be like if it was Biden winning on election night and Trump taking the lead and winning a few weeks down the line?

    That would be fun, wouldn’t it?


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