Dems Desperately Seeking a Bumper Sticker Slogan – IOTW Report

Dems Desperately Seeking a Bumper Sticker Slogan

PJ Media

Democrats have got nothing to run on for re-election. And that’s eating at the politicians who’ve been casting about for a catchy slogan that would fit on a bumper sticker and sweep the country.

Originally, the Biden people thought that “Build Back Better” would carry them to victory. But it’s become apparent that BBB is the punchline to a joke and wouldn’t be useful.

Some Democrats hit upon the brilliant slogan “Democrats Deliver!” but the White House polled the tagline and found it came in near the bottom of other suggestions. More

38 Comments on Dems Desperately Seeking a Bumper Sticker Slogan

  1. There’s not a catchy slogan on the planet that will save the Democrats. And PJ Media is wrong about the most recent problems being those which will “slaughter” them in the mid-terms. It only took one issue — the fraudulent election. And I better get that in there before the FBI come a’knockin’ because that ass who heads the DoJ is saying he wants to brand me a terrorist if I mention it or if I disagree with Fauci on the plandemic.

  2. AA

    That’s DHS not DOJ. The Cuban piece of shit that apparently never read the first amendment. He’s going to need a whole shit load of new employees. What a goof.

  3. They have ME.

    And I don’t NEED a slogan.

    But if THEY need one, it’s “I’ll give you the leaders I think you deserve!”

    Or, “You will get rulers and you will LIKE it!”


  4. At about this time in 2020, we all thought nothing could stop the Trump train. Never underestimate the dems ability to do whatever it takes to win. WHATEVER IT TAKES.

  5. “D” is for “Demented.”

    (What do I win? An extra ballot? C’mon, man, I forgot. I’ve got a case of of, you know, you know the THING! Dementianna? Demontina? Corn Pop hit in the head, man. That damn Putin behind the shed. I should shut up.)

  6. update on the old joke …
    question: what did progtards have before candles?
    answer: electricity!

    update …
    question: what did progtards have before the horse & buggy?
    answer: cars!

    tip from your uncle Μolon: start investing in Blacksmiths

    (btw, can’t wait until we see our first solar-powered passenger jet … or even the first wind-powered military tank … it’s gonna be AWESOME!)


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