Dems do 180 on pandemic response, attempt to rewrite history – IOTW Report

Dems do 180 on pandemic response, attempt to rewrite history

Just The News:

With the midterm elections in sight, President Biden and fellow Democrats in Congress and governors’ mansions nationwide are completing a 180 on their COVID-19 response, abandoning the president’s promise to “shut down” the virus as Americans say they want to “get on with their lives.”

In the process, Democrats have begun to lift key COVID-19 restrictions and return to normal life — the same approach, long embraced by red states, that they once rebuked as cruel and dangerous. Yet Biden and his Democratic allies are now taking credit for ending the pandemic while adopting these same policies.

On Wednesday, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, both Democrats, announced they will end mandates in their states requiring face coverings in most indoor public settings. However, masking rules for schools will remain in place.

Several other blue states — New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, Oregon, and California — are also lifting their indoor masking requirements in the coming days. All but California said they’ll no longer require masking in schools. read more

20 Comments on Dems do 180 on pandemic response, attempt to rewrite history

  1. and the clueless and inept GOP will fail to use the HOURS and HOURS of video of all the Dems playing Nazi on personal freedoms……seen this picture too many times to not know the ending….

  2. Great.

    Now do vaccine mandates.

    Oh, and quit calling it a “Vaccine”.

    Because it isn’t.

    …and while you’re at it, start hanging these genocidal mass murderers. Start with Fachi, but definitely do NOT end there.

    He’s just the one with the best documentation for having started, promoted, lied about, and pushed all this, mostly on purpose and mostly for the explicit intention of reducing what he considers to be surplus population.

    He’s “low hanging fruit”, you might say.

    …at least he SHOULD be hanging, from a low branch, he’s not very tall so you don’t need to go very high…

  3. You’d think the D’s would be shedding acolytes like a sheep dog shedding hair on the equator! It’s a mystery how D voters can withstand the head-splitting cognitive dissonance visited upon them every two years by their political party. Yeah, the R’s do it too, but generally it is limited to individual pols — not the WHOLE party platform. Wouldn’t it be something if the D’s declared their belief in Jesus Christ as a way to get the evangelical vote? That would be fun to watch!

  4. “Relying on science”. That’s rich.
    They originally planned on keeping as much shut down as possible through the mid-terms so they could justify drop boxes, vote online and every other voting scam they could think of.
    Now they realize the people are ignoring them and ticked off at them.
    Prices are skyrocketing and that’s a concrete issue as everyone just about has bills to pay.
    In Maine our electric bill had literally doubled from the same time last year. 2021 – $128 2022 – $254
    Bacon has gone from $8 for fancy top of the line bacon to $10 for the cheap stuff.
    Heating oil, (we filled up a couple of days ago) is up in Obama territory at $3.50 gal. $535 for half a tank. When Trump was in office an entire tank was just over $300.

    They suck.
    The Dirty Dems are liars and cheats and nothing they say can be trusted.

  5. A leopard cannot change its spots. The Dims will start acting schizophrenic in their approach to get votes. It will be easy to point out their hypocrisies. Dims will never recognize Christ as their Savior. They were the ones who denied people the ability to worship during this so-called pandemic. The Dims were drunk with power, and now that the power is going away, they panic. Okay with me, I like watching them squirm like a worm. They haven’t started apologizing yet except for Joe Rogan for speaking the truth. Don’t put your faith and trust in humans.

  6. I nominate the Canadian Goose as the emblem of this Honkpocalyptic avalanche of freedom that’s starting.

    Any and all depictions of this emblem must include the Goose HONK HONK HONKING !!

  7. The small amount of freedom their going to “grant” to you you, will be taken away by another COVID variant.
    Just what and see.
    “a time when COVID won’t be a constant crisis,”
    That was 2 years ago.

    “2 Weeks To Flatten The Curve, 693 days ago.”

  8. @ Captain Obvious FEBRUARY 11, 2022 AT 9:53 AM

    It’s not that the Republican establishment can’t see the forest for the trees, it is far worse than that. They were and are willing accomplices to what has gone down. Their roll in advancing the progressive agenda is carefully scripted and they stick to it.

  9. @ Justice FEBRUARY 11, 2022 AT 10:03 AM

    100% correct

    Constitutional conservatives must not only STOP using the language of the progressive movement unless you want to help them to braid the rope they intend to hang you with, we must actively point out that it is designed to deceive.

  10. The stupid ass democrats let their full totalitarian cuntitude show thru the last year. That’s scumbags actually convinced themselves the had full power over everyone. What typical fuckheads. They’re like demonic children. Always being shits. Always thinking they know everything. And then always fucking up because they don’t know jack shit.

  11. Imagine all the sneaky emails they send to each other including those secret meet-ups. Never trust them since they have some other sinister act against American citizens in mind and are (again) waiting for us to be lulled into a false sense of safety and security while many are distracted and overjoyed at the lifting of the (bogus) mask mandates. The devil-enemy uses subterfuge and covert tactics to achieve its ends and targets the greed-and-dominance factors. Note also that the lifting of their mask demands is also one way that the daughter-molesting race-hating nation-destroying Joe Biden draws attention away from his devious actions and widespread failures including evidence and exposure of a fraudulent stolen election et al.

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