Dems In Panic as Multi-Millionaire Challenges Lib Deadwood Senator Tammy Baldwin – IOTW Report

Dems In Panic as Multi-Millionaire Challenges Lib Deadwood Senator Tammy Baldwin

I’d never even heard of this guy, Eric Hovde until late last night when a dem PAC ran an attack ad during “Gutfeld,” and I live in the state (Wisconsin). Given the coverage, they must see him as a serious threat. Here

The attack ad Here

More detail on Hovde Here

Thanks for letting me know about this challenger, Senate Majority PAC. After reading the bio, he’ll get my vote. – Dr. Tar

10 Comments on Dems In Panic as Multi-Millionaire Challenges Lib Deadwood Senator Tammy Baldwin

  1. That was an attack ad???
    I’m from L.A., but I was doing that a couple of years ago in Boulder. I enjoyed it, but it just takes a bit of guts to try the first time. Regardless, if their beef is that he did a cold plunge, or that he owns property in another state, who cares? Nothing about policy.

  2. This is exactly the type of person you want in public service; an accomplished capitalist, an achiever in life who knows how to get things done. But he is a Packer’s fan, so there is that.

  3. If you want to watch an entertaining race keep an eye on Adam Schifty and Steve Garvey. Every time Schifty puts an attack add out, Garvey’s polling jumps. He finally pulled them all this week. “He voted for Trump not once, but twice”.

  4. @Brad – I can see Garvey winning today, but not in November when there aren’t other Dems to spread the vote. I hope he wins though. Garvey may be RINO-ish, or perhaps not – but still way, way better than Schiffty. And if that means Schiff loses his seat/platform and is relegated to CNN or MSDNC, America wins.

  5. LCD

    One of the Libtards running is Katie Porter. If memory serves me correct she was forced to step down from her last elect position due to her forcing one of her female staff members to perform oral sex on her. These people have no shame. You can’t find that story any where on the internet. But I was just talking to a guy about this race, and he brought it up. Anybody remember that?


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