Dems Need Hugs (And Some Xanax) – IOTW Report

Dems Need Hugs (And Some Xanax)

A new survey on the mood of the country indicates that Democrats are having serious emotional problems. We are mere months away from their predicted return to control of the House and yet the reports back from the field is that they are still a sorry bunch rough 20 months after the 2016 election. More

Who can blame them? They’ve been told for months that the president is worse than Hitler and he’s going to destroy their lives, yet their leadership has been laughably ineffectual at removing him from power.

12 Comments on Dems Need Hugs (And Some Xanax)

  1. They have also been Mind Controlled by the so called Elitist Media for years, and they have grown so sure of their Leaders Purity that they are in for a World of Hurt.
    Get the Mental Health facilities ready for the Disillusioned.

  2. They’ve been told for months that the president is worse than Hitler and he’s going to destroy their lives, yet their leadership has been laughably ineffectual at removing him from power.

    Worse than that, Trump has yet to destroy their lives. That is the bigger disappointment.

  3. They’ve been told for months now that there a Blue Wave coming…by the same people who told them H-Rod couldn’t possibly lose. They are even more stupid than I thought, and I’ve always thought they were mighty danged stupid.

  4. Silly delusional democrats. Hitler was a socialist, same as them. Trump is the opposite.
    Instead of a hug. Maybe a good solid whack up side the head would help.

    Heck, they might even figure out what year an 18 y.o. was born, after a few, well, several, whacks.

  5. Remember that post about state suicide rates? I did some research. Turns out the HIGHEST rate of suicide is women over 40. Specifically, liberal women over 40.

    I wonder why?


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