Dems Pick Georgia’s Stacy Abrams For SOTU Response – IOTW Report

Dems Pick Georgia’s Stacy Abrams For SOTU Response

The democrat party has placed the burden of replying to the president’s state of the union address in the whinny, sore loser hands of failed Georgia governor candidate, Stacy Abrams. More

It seems Abrams had been fishing around for some means to stay relevant and her friends in the party decided to take advantage of the dolt. Here

I expect the SOTU response to be more SOFU than usual this time.

35 Comments on Dems Pick Georgia’s Stacy Abrams For SOTU Response

  1. I love your site. I support your site. I love your graphics but I urge you to hire someone with no other responsibility than ‘spell check’ Today you misspelled STFU (response) Please pay closer attention?

  2. It ain’t proper political theater without a clown.

    She should have that sausage-head-looking motherfucker with her when she does it.
    (Elijah Cummings or John Lewis – either one – they’re interchangeable)

    He could mumble “Yeah, dat rite!” and nod after every sentence – while scowling.

    Be like – y’know – wunnuh dem “momints a’histry” moments an shit …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Nancy Piglosi said the strength of dRATS was their unity, so instead of looking at these people as individuals I think they should be thought of as a group that should be dismissed out of hand, and chased by dogs.

  4. This is the first time in years that I plan on watching the Dem response without resorting to drinking games.

    This is going to be an absolute dumpster fire (dumb-ster fire?)and I want to relish every golden second of it and the media gushing over her absolutely devastating response.

  5. Everything is calculated: she’s Black and she’s not a member of the House or Senate. In this way, the Dem/left can make an appeal to their base and will overtly play the Race Card, along with “Russian Colusion/Treason,” all without any current members of congress having to step into the light to do it.

  6. WOWZA!….I knew they were stupid, but not this stupid……never mind, they’re doing it for the tv ratings….Shit, I have to watch the rebuttal now….Is she the reason they invented PAAAAAAANNNNNNevision….”extended on the next finger”….

  7. Remeber one thing, she’s not writing the response it’s being written for her. So as dumb as a post she may be it won’t be her words tumbling out of that gap-toothed butterball’s mouth. What would be fun is if Trump got a hold of their base response prepared prior to the evening’s entertainment and addressed each of their points in his speech. Then you’d see some fun as she tried to think on her feet.

  8. “Besides what she says it would be too irritating to listen to her with that huge gap between her front teeth that causes a constant and shrill chipmunk whistle when she speaks.”

    One of the benefits of old age is that my hearing has deteriorated to the point I can’t hear the whistle/squeak.


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