Dem’s Sickening Plan to Steal the Midterms – IOTW Report

Dem’s Sickening Plan to Steal the Midterms

Red State

The White House is clearly rolling out a plan to try to push more COVID hysteria as we head into the fall. That hysteria will be used to justify a push to change election laws again. Democrats need something to change the game because their actual governance isn’t going to cut it. More

37 Comments on Dem’s Sickening Plan to Steal the Midterms

  1. My tin foil hat is double layered. So yes I expect the corruptocrats to arrest Trump, and I expect the election steal is still on. I’m not happy being a pessimist but it’s damn tough to be an optimist.

  2. This won’t work. I know democrats that were terrified of Covid and hung on every CNN or NPR word but once they got it they tuned out to the daily fear fest and they rest the resurgence of BS. This is going to be an epic failure just like everything else they are doing.

  3. Our local version of Dr Fauci is already preaching caution during interviews claiming the new strain of Covid is more transmittable than Omicron and it is totally resistant to both vaccine and natural immunity. I know this doctor personally and I know he leans Democrat, so this report doesn’t surprise me. I called him on it in the past and after Omicron he got really quiet for a while.

  4. I’ve already seen MSM stories of how the “upcoming midterms are a closer contest than you think”. They’re laying the groundwork for their upcoming narrative.

  5. According to the way this stuff mutates, the new version of covid should be both more contagious and resistant to the not-vaxine; what they won’t tell you is that the signs/symptoms are less severe …way less severe.

    No thinking person believes these flops. I do fear that the electoral system in this country is ‘compromised’, to say the least. In any event, we are not voting our way out of this.

  6. “This is going to be an epic failure just like everything else they are doing”

    The one thing they have not failed at is rigging elections, they are damned good at it and nothing so far has dissuaded me that it won’t happen again.

    Those basking in the glory of Biden’s dismal poll numbers, thinking November is a shoe in are only kidding themselves. Yes, Wisconsin did outlaw drop boxes but the polling commission (so far) has not acted on this ruling. The individual states determine their own voting procedures and nothing has materially changed from the last time wholesale larceny was committed.

  7. ULTRA MAGA!!!
    Imagine being libard who stalks a conservative website in hopes of tossing out nonsensical comments hoping to hurt some conservative’s feelings. Pretty sad…

  8. I would say people won’t fall for it again, but I never thought people would go so long not living out of fear.

    They will cheat and Republicans will help them cheat regardless of any October surprise.

  9. Sorry Brad, I haven’t felt very cheery in quite awhile. Now personally I’m happy, but for the country I’ve lost all hope.

    Not really anything has been done to secure our elections. Nothing in my state.

  10. I’ve been seeing it in real time for about a week now. That’s why I had to venture back online to confirm what I thought was happening… They are ramping up the Wuhan Virus fearmongering again ahead of the midterms! I work at an apartment complex and over the past several days I have noticed a lot of the Black folks have started wearing masks again. Then I went in a Harris Teeter and saw the Yuppie White Libtards are in masked sheep mode again too!!!
    So I assumed there must be a new “Threat” rolling out to get the sheep back in line to do their civic doody!

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  12. Beware all Americans, regardless of who you are. This is the single major reason why “suddenly” numerous politicians are (falsely) claiming they currently have covid19. When they first started their bogus plan a few months ago, I had said they were gearing up for something. Now we know what that “something” is. If democrats should resume their seats, and newer ones, ALL Americans will see the most tyranical and despotic maneuvers, policies, and rip-offs that they’re underdeveloped muscles can muster up. Much worse than what we’ve been experiencing in the past 2 years under the known kkk racist and fossilised Joe Biden slithering in on his sagging belly.

  13. @Beachmom July 14, 2022 at 6:51 am

    > The only reason Dirty Dems are so bold is they know the media will tell whatever story they’re told to carry.

    That’s why they’re giggly.

    They’re bold (outrageously violent), because “Not the Dems” have proven (for generations) that they will do nothing. Except what the Dems offer them as the Dems’ acceptable “alternative” to what the Dems (claim) the Dems want.

  14. Hey Fuzznuts Son Of Dorf – To address your silly question: Donald Trump is not running. Perp walking will achieve… what?

    Ummm, if you’ve paid even mild attention to events in the past six years you would know that it is all about an unreasonable, hate-fueled vendetta against Donald Trump and anyone associated with him based on nothing factual, just agenda-driven bomb-throwing!
    Roger Stone is not running for office, but they perp-walked him.
    Steve Bannon is not running for office, but they perp-walked him.
    Michael Flynn is not running for office, but they perp-walked him.
    George Papadopoulos is not running for office, but they perp-walked him. Yes he pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to the FBI as part of the Mueller probe, but can you remember what the outcome of that fishing expedition was?
    Zip, Zero, Nada! No Russia, Russia, Russia collusion! Another agenda-driven, hate-fueled vendetta hell-bent on convicting Trump on anything they might latch on tom but that didn’t stop them from spending 32 million dollars on nothing based on facts!
    …. and on it goes.
    Whipping up hate and using it to divide Americans is about the only thing the Left is good at.

    Not that it will do any good to educate you because knee-jerks like you don’t learn!

  15. Brad, this has nothing to do with what I read, it’s what I experience.

    There is no way in hell James Lankford got 60% of the vote. He was opposed by almost every conservative group in this state. He overwhelmingly won at my precinct, yet you could drive by every house out here who vote at the precinct, they all had his opponents sign or a sign saying to dump Lankford. Because rural folks tend to use voting day as gossip day, every person was saying they came to vote against Lameford. I know the majority of those who vote at this precinct as well. Everyone you talk to is pissed because they now realize they select who they want.

    Then for the first time people all over the state are reporting for no reason at all they got new voter registration cards in the mail, they didn’t request them, they didn’t change their registration, they didn’t change their address. I have never gotten a new card unless I changed my registration or moved. Yes we have voter ID, but you can show your card instead of a photo ID. What’s even more odd about it is, one spouse received a card, the other didn’t. So did they mail everyone cards out and some got “lost” in the mail? Did they just randomly decide to send certain people new cards? So far nobody is answering the question. We just give smoke blown up our ass and told how secure our elections in Oklahoma are.

  16. @TRF July 14, 2022 at 9:40 am

    > Roger Stone is not running for office, but they perp-walked him.
    > Steve Bannon is not running for office, but they perp-walked him.
    > Michael Flynn is not running for office, but they perp-walked him.
    > George Papadopoulos is not running for office, but they perp-walked him.

    Which changed… what?

    > Zip, Zero, Nada!


    So. How would this change November?

  17. @TRF July 14, 2022 at 10:52 am

    > Hey! stop sign, thank you, turn around, horse shoe, turtle turd, cumquat, honk honk, boodle-beep, derp-derp, dinga, dinga, dinga, dinga …

    Puppets gonna puppet?

    So. How would this change November?

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