Dems Sneak Trump Insults Into Names Of Proposed Legislation – IOTW Report

Dems Sneak Trump Insults Into Names Of Proposed Legislation

This is why their constituents are starting to hate the Dems. Crazy people getting paid to play games and complain about Trump, Russia, and renaming vaginas all day instead of working.

American Lookout: Congressional Democrats are lashing out at President Trump in a range of ways, and one particularly petty and spiteful example is their use of proposed legislation to insult and attack our president.

The Business Insider reports:

If Mike Quigley has his way, the word “covfefe” will be codified in federal law. 

This week, the Illinois congressman introduced the COVFEFE Act, which would require each one of President Donald Trump’s tweets — even the infamous typo that gave the bill its name — to be documented in national archives alongside other presidential records.

Technically, this “covfefe” actually stands for something — the “Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement” Act. And it’s part of a long-running tradition of politicians titling their legislation with snappy, topical acronyms.


SNIP: I’m sure we can come up with some good legislations of our own:

Here’s mine: The NANCY Act –  Nutty And Narcissistic Congressmen Yanked.

17 Comments on Dems Sneak Trump Insults Into Names Of Proposed Legislation

  1. Hey, retards, the twitter universe is forever, unlike those hastily gathered papers now ensconced it the non-existent O’Baja un-presidential lieBarry.
    Hillary losing sure changed the dims timeline.

  2. ALL of the senators and congresses tweets should also be saved and shoved down their throats as necessary.
    And what about killarys 30k emails jackwad. Why weren’t you squawking about that?

  3. This is what they do between ‘recesses’. RECESS!! A school activity assigned to congress. Time for them to grow up! Adults work 40 hours a week (before Obamacare) and get EARNED vacation time.

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