Dems Starting to Question Feinstein’s Fitness for Office – IOTW Report

Dems Starting to Question Feinstein’s Fitness for Office

sf chronicle

When a California Democrat in Congress recently engaged in an extended conversation with Sen. Dianne Feinstein, they prepared for a rigorous policy discussion like those they’d had with her many times over the last 15 years.

Instead, the lawmaker said, they had to reintroduce themselves to Feinstein multiple times during an interaction that lasted several hours.

Rather than delve into policy, Feinstein, 88, repeated the same small-talk questions, like asking the lawmaker what mattered to voters in their district, they said, with no apparent recognition the two had already had a similar conversation.

The episode was so unnerving that the lawmaker — who spoke to The Chronicle on condition they not be identified because of the sensitivity of the topic — began raising concerns with colleagues to see if some kind of intervention to persuade Feinstein to retire was possible. More

31 Comments on Dems Starting to Question Feinstein’s Fitness for Office

  1. Blah Haaa Haaaa.
    What she wanted to vote conservative?
    This bother them, but not Shits and Giggles.
    They just want her out so they can appoint another liberal before 2025.
    She was the mayor of San Francisco, maybe the shit fumes got to her.

  2. She’s still got better cognition than President Pudding Brain and Cackles, is VP. Besides, so long as she can raise her hand and say, “AYE” for bills that support her handlers in the CCP, she’s obviously still on the top of her game.

  3. Hell, she does more than all the gop lawmakers put together, their all too busy either worried bout does the big guy like me or not & how to trash talk the dems agenda into outer space.

  4. Waaay past time to give this bitch the boot along with the rest of the cast of Cocoon who have settled in to be nothing more than worthless, on-the-take, federal tit-sucking parasites!

  5. TPTB talk her in to retirement , newsome appoints himself interim senator. Than ,just like cumhola hairless ,he runs for p(resident) . You think auntie nancy would go for that? Yes

  6. Stop2think April 14, 2022 at 2:47 pm

    That’s actually sad. But I have to ask. What is it about power that is so seductive that you can’t turn your back on it?

    Dianne Feinstein has profited for 26 years from ethically challenged deals that have netted her and her crony husband tens of millions of dollars, enriching themselves at the expense of the US taxpayers.

    According to investopedia, she and her husband are worth somewhere around $94 million dollars. Her salary is under $200,000 a year.

  7. “TERM LIMITS.” -Brown Eyed Girl April 14, 2022 at 2:11 pm

    I’d rather change the Constitution on how the Congress is formed and convened. Like 75% of the States have to have passed “A Call To Congress” within 60 days time followed by election or appointment of legislators (per the State’s own constitution) and then the President is informed and single session is called in D.C. not to exceed 90 days. Only one per year allowed except in cases of national emergency. Etc., etc., etc…

    I’d also be happy if they all died of cholera or were hit by a large SMOD.

  8. Really? “We” are going to pry her old, dead, hands off the lever of power? And replace her with some one, any one, who’s name she, her sisters, and “brothers”, signed to the checks they cashed? Before the “new guard” was even born?

    That’s Presidential* grade dementia.

  9. No, don’t retire! An ineffectual democrat is far less dangerous than an effective one. Besides, stupid voters in California will just replace her with someone even worse. And if she retires early, Gavin Gruesome will appoint someone to the left of Stalin.

  10. ^^^ hey, also, don’t forget that the kid/intern who hacked the congressional computers during the Kavanaugh hearings, for purposes of medical blackmail, is the son of feinstein’s husband’s business partner. The kid got 2 years of probation after a closed door hearing. ‘matters of national security’
    she probably used blackmail as a defense against blackmail
    she’s a horrible person


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