Dems Think They Can Ride Single Payer Back Into Power – IOTW Report

Dems Think They Can Ride Single Payer Back Into Power

With the final Senate retreat on repeal and replace,  a number of democrats believe they can fill the void with a deafening clamor for single payer.

From the highest profile socialist, Bernie Sanders to the Randy “Iron Stashe” Bryce who plans on running against Paul Ryan next year, all believe single payer, government healthcare is not just a winner for them, but just what the country needs. Rolling Stone profiles another democrat, Amy Vilela, who’s primarying one of her own because he doesn’t support Medicare for all.

Their arguments rely on an emotional appeal and a phalanx of straw men.

Here’s Jake Tapper taking some of the air out of Bernie’s single payer dream over the weekend : Watch

An example I found today of the typical argument for Medicare for all Here

The author makes it all seem so doable, until one looks into the chronic ongoing problem of Medicare and Medicaid underpayments Here  and Here

In 2014, these two entitlements alone accounted for nearly a quarter of the federal budget of $3.5 trillion:  Here

9 Comments on Dems Think They Can Ride Single Payer Back Into Power

  1. Perhaps it is time for single payer. For democrats only. Let the private sector provide for Republicans. In less than two years the communists will be screaming for Competitive Free Market Capitalism in health care. Oh, and they’ll blame Bush and Trump for the failed socialist experiment.

  2. Time honored single payer example, VA is a sure winner. No need for death panels, they’ll just wait you out.

    ALL congress and their staff workers MUST be placed on the system congress subjects America to using.

  3. And yet the Republicans continue to squander their opportunity of a lifetime to show everyone how their free enterprise/limited gov principals work because the guy trying to promote the agenda really doesn’t hold these principals or something like that. So frustrating.

  4. Bernie sure has a line of shit, doesn’t he? I’d like to see him try to pull that crap on Tucker Carlson. Trapper doesn’t know enough about the subject to embarrass the old commie bastard. Trapper’s expertise is “Russian Collusion.”

  5. Cautious Irony: Using the VA as an example of why government ran healthcare is bad, then having the Trump administration modernize the VA, which will then be a good example of why the government should run healthcare.

    The VA is doing some exciting things, though I will never be for single payer. The VA population is a lot smaller than the U.S. (and Mexico) population.

  6. WAIT! Let’s get past free college for everybody, forgiven student trillion dollar loans, new computers and TV for the disadvantaged, cars, bikes, phones, designer gym shoes, designer sun glasses, unless they’re white privileged scum.

    Let’s see some section 8 housing in Malibu and Alexandria while we’re at it.

  7. The Federal government has fucked up our health care system for decades now. I have no doubt that Congress will fuck it up some more in the future. So my one non-negotiable condition is that Congress, and their families, must be covered by the same health care system as the general public.

    We will then see if Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi really believe that single payer will not have death panels. “Sorry Bernie and Nancy – but you’re old and your time is up.”

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