Dems Try Desperately to Stop Examination of PA Voting Machines – IOTW Report

Dems Try Desperately to Stop Examination of PA Voting Machines

Gateway Pundit

The corrupt Pennsylvania Secretary of State, Dominion Voting Machines, and now the Democrats in the Pennsylvania Senate all desperately want to end the investigation of the voting machines in Fulton County.  Today they dropped nearly 750 pages of garbage arguments and made their plea in front of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. More

12 Comments on Dems Try Desperately to Stop Examination of PA Voting Machines

  1. They’re going to do more than that: the military is training to kill yoiu and me:

    US Army Guerrilla Warfare Exercise to Target “Freedom Fighters”

    Kitty Werthmann survived Hitler.

    “What I am about to tell you is something you’ve probably never heard or read in history books,” she likes to tell audiences. “I am a witness to history. She survived Hitler and wants to warn America:“I cannot tell you that Hitler took Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history. Adolph Hitler. “We voted him in.”

    Joe Biden Threatens Americans in Angry Rant About Going Against the Government:

    That script was carefully written for Joe the traitor. Keep an eye on who is in charge of the monopoly of force in America: crazy Merrick Garland, dumb Lloyd Austin and the corrupt Mark Miley.

  2. You do not hide that of which you are proud.
    Obviously, the Demonrats are ashamed of their perfidies – or it isn’t time for discovery.
    Investigations should proceed – why isn’t the FBI involved in this? The greatest crime in American History and they’re sitting it out? Hmmmm … They used to pursue traitors – but now – I guess with all the garage pull-ropes they’re too busy.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Pennsylvania, one of the seven states that had drawn up fake electoral votes that were going to be turned in to try to circumvent the election.
    One person’s name keep’s showing up, Rudy, as being involved. Looks like Trump was 5 or 6 Rudy’s short of doing it. The hide & seek game of his documents is now over.

  4. From another ANON: “They’re going to do more than that: the military is training to kill yoiu and me:

    US Army Guerrilla Warfare Exercise to Target “Freedom Fighters”

    If you are just now finding out about Pineland I’ma gonna’ laugh at yer’ ass. Tells me you never served.

    This is not new, not updated, been goin’ on for decades.

    Before the interwbz, we seldom heard from idiots because we chose not to associate with them. Congratulations, you have leveraged the tech to inform MANY more people you’re an idiot.

  5. From Anon: “Going on for decades, I’m only talking about the last election.”

    So that makes you an un-seasoned idiot. You may in fact be a fool. A cretin. A moron. In any scenario, you present as stupid during triage. If you were merely ignorant that could be managed and improved.

    Do the gene pool a solid. Walk off a roof. A tall one.


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