Dems Try to Hide Behind New “Weird” Messaging Strategy – IOTW Report

Dems Try to Hide Behind New “Weird” Messaging Strategy


The “weird” message appears to have given Democrats [what they seem to think is] a narrative advantage that they rarely had when President Joe Biden was still running for reelection. Trump’s campaign, which so often shapes political discussions with the former president’s pronouncements, has spent days trying to flip the script by highlighting things about Democrats it says are weird.

“I don’t know who came up with the message, but I salute them,” said David Karpf, a strategic communication professor at George Washington University. More

39 Comments on Dems Try to Hide Behind New “Weird” Messaging Strategy

  1. Rules for Radicals: Isolate your enemy and ridicule them.
    The party of 70+ genders, baby slaughter, trans-mentally ill people are going to call conservatives weird. I don’t think that’s going to play well in middle America. How does insulting half the country seem like a good idea?

  2. Instead of going on the defensive….. they should embrace the term. YES… wanting to stop the inflow of illegals and terrorists into our country would seem weird to democrats. Wanting to spend resources on our own citizens rather than illegals would also seem weird to democrats

  3. They always try too hard. Losers always do and they are losers at life.

    I had a new member of my GF’s family spout some stupid stuff about ALL women being better parents than men and so I asked her if she had told her new husband he’s not as good of a parent than his absentee daughter. He was raising his own grandchildren. The other women in the room knew this was a killer to her claim and they also knew I raised my last two sons on my own without any help from their mom.

    She spent the rest of the time I was associated with that family trying to find something to feel superior about with me. Fail, fail, fail. And even the other family members were shaking their heads at her attempts.

    This “weird” thing is the same. It doesn’t land like you wish it to, honeys. Bless your hearts. It just makes you even bigger losers.

    You have to have substance to your attacks and you don’t have anything of substance to draw on.

  4. When every libtard around, from Morning Blow to the View, starts using the same insulting term simultaneously it seems just a bit orchestrated. “Wierd” I think they’re trying to target the 16 and under crowd.

  5. Weird versus Perverted.

    I’d choose weird every time.

    Democrats can’t shake the perverted moniker, look at their Agency Appointments, Presidential candidate and their stance on Issues.

  6. “Weird” also means “fate”. Spin it on them – JD Vance represents the fate of the nation!
    “You may know weird as a generalized term describing something unusual, but this word also has older meanings that are more specific. Weird derives from the Old English noun wyrd, essentially meaning “fate.” By the 8th century, the plural wyrde had begun to appear in texts as a gloss for Parcae, the Latin name for the Fates—three goddesses who spun, measured, and cut the thread of life. In the 15th and 16th centuries, Scots authors employed werd or weird in the phrase “weird sisters” to refer to the Fates. William Shakespeare adopted this usage in Macbeth, in which the “weird sisters” are depicted as three witches. Subsequent adjectival use of weird grew out of a reinterpretation of the weird used by Shakespeare.”

  7. Um, yeah. Insisting that the Bill Of Rights be followed to the letter must seem WEIRD – to idiots. Not to mention the whole Constitution, which is too complex for their minds to comprehend.

  8. What Brad said. All we need now is the chorus of news readers saying “weird”. And while I like to use the word jokingly sometimes, it really is a teen word, the meaning of which none of them know, and it’s a bit dated to the Boomer era, if you ask me. Also has a whiff of weed about it. But anything to start the youthquake, right, Dems?

  9. Everything the DildoCrats say and understand is warped, twisted, perverted, socialist and/or communist.
    The DildoCrats don’t understand the plain, everyday English of the average American who just wants to be left alone, is tired of having his/her (only two genders) pockets picked to fund & support an LGBT(etc) Trans agenda, and having Big Gooberment agendas shoved in thier faces and told to accept them as normal.

    No wonder everything and anything that conservatives say to them sounds “weird”.

  10. Soon the attacks on weird Harris will come to show her background on letting in all illegals and making them citizens, giving illegals benefits, take away our country’s private medical and make it all under Medicare, massive spending, massive inflation, taking away parental rights, defund the police, and stopping any fracking or oil production in the USA.

  11. “Weird” is the new “Neener” and the teenagers in the Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media are going to use the hell out it because they only know what they’re told to say… and they’d better toe the line!

  12. I see their use of ‘weird’ as nothing more than their ongoing attempt to confuse, obfuscate and misdirect the masses so they can continue their subversive actions against America.

  13. here is the comeback. no. what is weird is the past president of the united states being shot in the ear by a near tween, who was able to outwit your secret service, fbi, cia, atf and dhs. even weirder, not one department head is accountable. that is weird, you weirdo. do your job and get some qualified responsible people. how about daddy?, does daddy have a gun safe? dont bother, i already know the answer. how about we circle back to that answer? will that work for you? or is that weird to ask?

  14. Dr. John Pew, CEO of the Pew Research Center, says the organization endorses Kamala Harris for President.

    “We sniffed around a bit and felt like she best represents our values both here and abroad. For Pew, she passed the smell test.”

  15. Liberals come up with “weird” as a word to attack conservatives and Magas. Nice. So creative. Talk about talking like it’s 1970.

    Like, y’know, the word “wierd” was flung about by weirdos attacking other weirdos and burned itself out by 1980.

  16. Not long ago weird was a good thing on the left. Posters and bumper stickers demanded: Keep Austin (TX) Weird.

    Trump should seize the appellation and wear it like a crown. Promote weird MAGA ideas like border control, paper ballots, debt reduction, ending foreign wars, fair trade. All that weird stuff that the people want.

    Just curious, what is so wrong with wanting more white children?

  17. @Nowut Ameen:

    Not long ago weird was a good thing on the left. Posters and bumper stickers demanded: Keep Austin (TX) Weird.

    I still see those bumper stickers today, and it’s not just Austin. Over time, it’s been Santa Cruz CA, Rehoboth DE, Asheville NC, Chattanooga TN, Key West FL, Taos NM, and (astonishing!) Kemmerer WY. And more I simply have forgotten.


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