Dems turn on Pelosi in aftermath of Biden debacle: ‘She needs to take a seat’ – IOTW Report

Dems turn on Pelosi in aftermath of Biden debacle: ‘She needs to take a seat’


Like the pivotal moment in “The Wizard of Oz” when Toto ripped the curtain back, Nancy Pelosi is no longer the “great and terrible” after her coup against President Joe Biden blew up in her face, putting Donald J. Trump back into the White House.

There are growing signs that the fear of criticizing the notoriously vindictive former House speaker is now gone, perhaps for good, and some Democrats are doing the previously unthinkable by taking shots at her in the media.

In a stunner of a report published on Friday by Axios, some House Democrats are now feeling free to criticize Pelosi who may have blown her political capital when she orchestrated the overthrow of the geriatric incumbent in a sneaky move that showed all of America that all of her pontificating about “democracy” was just a bunch of insincere hogwash. more

14 Comments on Dems turn on Pelosi in aftermath of Biden debacle: ‘She needs to take a seat’

  1. She’s the face for this election from the Democrats viewpoint.
    As I commented when she filed paperwork for reelection.
    She’s clueless.
    Her retirement will be her election loss.

  2. Evil Personified – along with Hillary, Schumer, Obama, Schiff (gag) and a collection of others. These people have managed to almost destroy everything that made this country great, illegally enriched themselves and family, allowed their egos and greed to guide them and destroyed the lives of millions. No punishment could rise to the level of their psychosis. Their arrogance is beyond comprehension. The level of contempt they elicit cannot be measured.


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