Dems Using Redistricting to Their Advantage in the House – IOTW Report

Dems Using Redistricting to Their Advantage in the House


At least six Democratic-leaning seats have been added to the House of Representatives so far ahead of the midterm elections this fall. 

Twenty-five states have finished redrawing their congressional maps using data from the 2020 census. Analysis from FiveThirtyEight found that compared to the old maps, there are now six more Democrat-leaning seats, one fewer Republican-leaning seat, and four fewer “highly competitive seats.” More

8 Comments on Dems Using Redistricting to Their Advantage in the House

  1. It’s called ‘gerrymandering’. An old tried and true form of electoral tampering that BOTH sides have used over the decades. But the Demonrats are much better at it because they have always been much more adept and practiced at cheating in general.

  2. TONY R
    The most liberal President in Americn history made the most liberal Judge in America Chief 16 years ago. thats what happened!

    Disclaimer: I am conservative, voted Ronny 9 times. Never voted for the lefty “Dubya”. Said 16 years ago “W” picked the most liberal judge alive. If: Harry R., John B, Paul R., Nancy P, Chuck S. say a man is conservative; and you buy it, you need to TAKE OUT YOUR WALLET AND PAY ATTEnTION!

  3. Only way the Dirty Dems can win is cheating so no surprise there.
    What may end up as a surprise is if the voters don’t behave as predicted.
    Inflation can change things dramatically.
    For instance, a steak that was $8 lb at the end of 2020 is now $20 lb.
    People tend to blame the party in power. Which is the problem right now.
    Too bad the GOP will probably squander that issue and others like it.

  4. Look – the problem isn’t that the Democrat-run State legislatures are gerrymandering. It’s expected. The REAL problem is that the Republicans are so afraid of criticism that they WON’T do it! This is how Congress is won or lost. Play the game or get out of the way of someone who will!

    Oh, and…FJB!

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