Dems Vow to Block Disaster Aid If Funding for Ukraine Not Included – IOTW Report

Dems Vow to Block Disaster Aid If Funding for Ukraine Not Included

Red State

With the aftermath of two major disasters, one in Hawaii and one in Florida, being navigated by those on the ground, Democrats in Washington are looking to sabotage aid to those areas by tying it to more spending for Ukraine. 

Sen. Tammy Duckworth let it be now that she would block a plan put forth by Sen. Rick Scott to provide aid for the Maui fires and Hurricane Idalia because it doesn’t include Joe Biden’s demand for another $23 billion for Ukraine. More

20 Comments on Dems Vow to Block Disaster Aid If Funding for Ukraine Not Included

  1. Why are the ukes considered to be more important than American citizens are who are in need of assistance after a natural disaster? Our compassion should not extend to another European war that we don’t need to be involved in. America first, last and always!

  2. We your masters, in order to sustain a Democrat money laundry, establish oppression and ensure domestic slavery, provide for Ukranian defense, promote our personal welfare and secure the curses of tyranny for yourselves from our posterity do ordain and dictate this new Constitution of the Communist States of America.

  3. You mean DeSanctus snobbery. Maui will recover. Aid right now is not instantaneous, Congress will stop it, aid, The House has a Trump agenda, Maui is way down on the list. Help will only come after a Federal budget is passed.
    Otherwise it is called shit happens.

  4. Lobbyists write the bills….
    I don’t think Congress even reads them….
    I’m of the opinion that Congress just does what the lobbyists want and collect their 10%….

    Maybe we should call our Congressman every day….
    and ask them what they did for “We the People”….

    It’d at least anoy them and tie up their phone lines.


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