Dems Want A “Truth And Reconciliation Commission” After Biden Elected – IOTW Report

Dems Want A “Truth And Reconciliation Commission” After Biden Elected

Chicago Tribune

“When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” tweeted Robert Reich, the progressive former Labor Department secretary to former President Bill Clinton and adviser to President Barack Obama. “It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.” More

The New York Times and Washington Post are clearer on their desire to punish their opponents. Here

32 Comments on Dems Want A “Truth And Reconciliation Commission” After Biden Elected

  1. This is practically verbatim 1984…. I’m assuming he has read the book, so I have to conclude he didn’t understand 1984 to be a dystopia but rather something to strive for.

  2. Reconcile? No. We’re not gonna sit around the campfire and sing cum bi ya. No. No. No. This is a no quarter war. None given. Devilcrats running their mouths for years then running a sick, disgusting perverted creature and his wife that knew all about his perversion, molesting a girl and not reporting it. Vile human piles of excrement from the pit of hell. Piss off 3rd reich. We will cast you and your sick media back into the pit nd put God back

  3. WTF…..if dip-phuck were to win….it could only get much, much worse.

    Even today, they should be buggy-whipped and then drawn and quartered for their sedition and treasonous behavior.

  4. The gall of these ASSHOLES is beyond comprehension, always projecting, condescending, lying, cheating, stealing, burning, raping and then smugly acting so phucking innocent and pure.

    I pray there is a GOD and hope there is a Hell.

  5. “It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”

    Whose lies?

  6. When Winnie crushed Atlee in ’51 many thought/hoped “command and control” government would be ” thing of the past”. Then 20 yers ago America elected a “command and control” President. Electing GWB wannabe Joe will once again ;make it part of our government.

    Atlee may be dead but his politics lives.

    Younguns – Atlee was the inspiration foe BBC “news man” wrote a book from ’46 to ’48.
    Writer’s name: Orwell. Book published in ’48 name? hint: think GWB

    hint#2 : “Memory Hole”

  7. When Trump wins, I’m expecting a full Zombie Apocalypse with much frothing at the mouth, screaming, beating of breasts, violent self-flagellation and otherwise destructive behavior from large, riotous crowds in all the big cities. All the big name celeb’s and Democrat politicians will cry their eyes out for days on TV, endlessly declaring that the end of America and democracy is at hand.

    And then, I’m thinking things might actually quiet down for awhile after the tantrum as a nasty La Nina winter sets in and people realize they’re not prepared for it. 🙂

  8. It worked for Franco. Hundreds of thousands of Spaniards were forced to find a new truth and become reconciled with the fascists who defeated them during the Spanish Civil War. Tens of thousands of them were just killed when captured. Remember this when they decide that millions of Trump supporters and voters need to be reconciled with their truths.

  9. …comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness…

    Can anyone point out where President Trump has expressed hatred for anybody? Scorn, derision, public shaming…yes (and I approve). But hatred? All the hatred is coming from his enemies.


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