Denial: Gov. Cuomo Claims Coronavirus Patients Were Never Sent to Nursing Homes – IOTW Report

Denial: Gov. Cuomo Claims Coronavirus Patients Were Never Sent to Nursing Homes

DanBongino –

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s March 25th nursing home scandal has been the main reason why his state has had more coroanvirus deaths per capita than every other state in the union except for New Jersey (which also adopted a similar policy). If New York were its own country, it would have more coronavirus deaths per capita than any country in the world.

Cuomo has previously blamed CDC guidance for the disastrous policy, claiming that all he did was follow their guidance. The CDC’s guidance cited two cited two key factors to determine if a patient with coronavirus should be discharged to a nursing some – if the patient is medically ready for the discharge, and if the nursing home can safely care for an infected patient by implementing all recommended protocols to stop spread of the virus. The nursing home order says nothing about making sure a home can care for a patient before making an admissions decision, so this excuse is bunk.

And now Cuomo appears to be cycling through the stages of grief in reverse, reverting from bargaining to denial. In an interview to the Finger Lakes News Radio, Cuomo argued that his nursing home policy had nothing to do with nursing home deaths. “That’s not why they lost a loved one. The premise of your question is just factually wrong,” Cuomo said to an inquiring host. “People who were lost in nursing homes were lost because that’s where the virus preys.” more here

Image- Patriot Retort.

10 Comments on Denial: Gov. Cuomo Claims Coronavirus Patients Were Never Sent to Nursing Homes

  1. When you spend your political life coddled by a Press that will say anything or ignore anything to make you look good why not just make up the facts as you go. It’s not like the Press is going to hold you accountable and in 6 months there will be something else and this will all be ancient history.

    The Left wants to tear down the Constitution whereas I just want to tear down the lying MSM. If we get ride of the lying MSMS the corrupt and inept Democrats will follow.


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