Denmark: Fake Bible Must be Revoked – IOTW Report

Denmark: Fake Bible Must be Revoked

Gatestone Institute – Unperturbed, in 2020, the Danish Bible Society (DBS) published a complete and revised Bible with the same anti-Israel New Testament version intact, plus a translation of the Old Testament, replacing the word “Israel” with “us”, as in Psalm 121:4 (“He who watches over Israel [DBS: ‘us’] will neither slumber nor sleep”), as Jan Frost reports.

As in this case, trading “Israel” for “us” is not simply replacing one word for another; it switches the concept. DBS pretends that we get the divine watchfulness. It has been stolen. The original recipient, Israel, has been replaced and robbed of its privileges.

DBS seems to be attempting to discard Israel. The Society appears to be emulating the current social attitude that develops from the anti-Israelism of Muslim immigrants and that is picked up by other Danish parts of society. Who commissioned this Bible edition? Who paid for it? Who profits from a fake Bible? Who stands for the truth of the Christian faith in Denmark?

Read the rest here.

20 Comments on Denmark: Fake Bible Must be Revoked

  1. Well. It is Denmark. A euro shithole where anything goes has been in effect since the 1970s, when I visited. Probably well before that.

    Anyone can write something and declare it The Bible. Hell. Anyone can issue their own interpretation of any version of the Bible and dupe suckers into sending them millions of dollars.

    Charlatans have existed forever.

    I think that’s in the Bible.

  2. The Jews may have a problem with a recent translation of their book (the Torah, what Gentiles call the Old Testament). Somebody should ask them about this.

    Far as I know, they let us (Gentiles) play with the New Testament as it doesn’t impact their theology. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

  3. “The Society appears to be emulating the current social attitude that develops from the anti-Israelism of Muslim immigrants…”

    IOW, Stockholm Syndrome in Copenhagen.

  4. our basic interpretation of the OT come from the Greek Septuagint, after Alexander the Great kicked ass & took names in that region … the Greeks interpreted the Hebrew scripture pretty dang well … & the King James interpretation used that translation

    so messing w/ it by changing not only text but interpretation is pretty messed up … as in, lying

    & yes, the Jews disregard the NT (which only covers about 100 years) … but after 70 AD (when the Romans literally wiped out Israel) any new Hebrew ‘scripture’ was a moot point

  5. The following is what God says about fools who attempt to change His Word. The warning is in The New and Old Testaments of The Holy Bible;
    Deuteronomy 4:2 (KJV)
    2 “You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you.”

    Revelation 22:18-19 (KJV)
    18 “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book,
    19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.”

    The DBS better get a clue. Messing with God’s Word is like writing a ticket to Hell.

  6. Fascinating article since Christendom has spent two thousand years falsely building itself upon rituals, outward forms, legalities, promises, blessings, and warnings that God addressed to and intended solely for Israel under the covenants, never Gentiles.

  7. The name Israel does not denote the State of Israel. It is the name given by God to Jacob. It does not refer to all people, but to those who “struggle with God” (Israel). You cannot replace Israel with “us” and preserve the meaning of those passages.

  8. “You cannot replace Israel with “us” and preserve the meaning of those passages.”

    And yet Christendom has done exactly that since the beginning. A few examples…

    pseudo-priests, offices and heirarchies (VERY MUCH INCLUDING DENOMINATIONAL PROTESTANT PASTORATES HERE) that serve as necessary go-betweens with God

    believing in guardian angels

    observance of holy feasts (holidays)

    water rites (baptism) totally detatched from its original purpose

    tithing, but not according to the stated rules

    esteeming one day per week as “special to God” over all others

    miraculous sign gifts

    claiming blessings promised only to Israel upon adherence to its covenants

    fearing warnings and curses promised only to Israel upon disobedience to its covenants

    believing all Scripture is to and about “you” when it isn’t

    only certain special persons are spiritually or educationally qualified to interpret the word of God for everyone else

    adherence to Law over Grace, when it’s one or the other and the two cannot mix

    That’s just off the top of my head, and that’s Christendom.

  9. @grool, those are not Christendom. Those are the traditions and laws of the religions of man.
    God will have the final say.
    Most of us Christians are doing the best we can with what God gave us.

    If you don’t believe that’s your choice.
    We believers will let you believe what you want and will not badger you. hopefully you’ll do likewise.

    As for the DBS, they certainly won’t see God’s favor.

  10. Beachmom,

    Christendom is the general umbrella term for everyone who names the name of Christ, regardless of denomination or schism and whether they actually belong to Him or not.

    “Most of us Christians are doing the best we can with what God gave us.”

    What God has given us is absolutely everything we need, so there’s only one way to be sure of pleasing Him, according to our apostle:

    1. Believe the correct gospel, 1 Cor 3-4. Nothing else saves.

    2. Study to understand God’s revelation of the mystery (secret) given to Paul…see Romans 16:25; Ephesians 3:8-9.

    If the church you belong to does not preach Christ “according to the revelation of the mystery,” and if your priest/pastor cannot tell you what that verse even means (99% cannot), you need to find a church that can if you wish to walk pleasing to Christ. I can help you find one.


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