Denmark: “Slow Down There Uncle Kooky, We’re Not Anything Like What You’re Proposing” – IOTW Report

Denmark: “Slow Down There Uncle Kooky, We’re Not Anything Like What You’re Proposing”

As Bernie Sanders runs around stumping for his platform he continuously says he’s modeling his “reforms” after Denmark.

Denmark wants to clarify the record.


“I would like to make one thing clear,” Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said recently in a speech at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. “Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.”

“The major political parties on the center-left and the center-right would oppose many of the proposals of Bernie Sanders on the regulatory side as being too leftist.”

“If by socialist you mean regulated, restrictive, the individual is not free to do what she or he wants, that is not what we have here. We have a society where the individual is perhaps freer than any other society because the government is securing the social contract so comprehensively.”

…there are aspects to the Danish model that you would never see on Sanders’ policy platform. As a small country heavily reliant on trade, Denmark imposes minimal tariffs on foreign goods. Businesses here are only lightly regulated. The corporate tax rate is much lower than in the United States, which has one of the highest in the world. There’s not even a minimum wage in Denmark, although most workers are paid high salaries in large part due to the strength of labor unions. And in the past few years, Danish voters elected a right-of-center government, which has been instituting reforms that have put tighter restrictions on access to the long-held safety net.


4 Comments on Denmark: “Slow Down There Uncle Kooky, We’re Not Anything Like What You’re Proposing”

  1. Perhaps The Berns supporters would be interested in the fact that his favorite example – Sweden – has a regressive income tax system that has the lowest paid contributing most of the cost of the “free” healthcare in their Country. Amazing what a 65% flat income tax rate will buy. And those evil Corporations? Sweden’s Corporate tax is only a little under HALF if the US rate – 24% to our 43%. Bring it Bern!!

  2. Proposed headlie:


    I bet the headline writers at the New York Post are having a fit right now that they can’t use “suck” in a headline.

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