Denmark Wants To Build a Wall On Its Southern Border To Keep Out Pigs – IOTW Report

Denmark Wants To Build a Wall On Its Southern Border To Keep Out Pigs

Medieval walls don’t work, according to the left, so why would Denmark want to sink 12 million into a border fence?


Denmark will soon begin construction on its own controversial wall along that country’s southern border. This one will stretch 40 miles along the divide between Denmark and Germany. But it’s only going to be five feet tall. And it’s designed to keep out wild boar. Sidsel Overgaard reports.


17 Comments on Denmark Wants To Build a Wall On Its Southern Border To Keep Out Pigs

  1. My dad told me that when he was in Germany in the Air Force after World War 2 that since GI’s had access to guns, the Germans didn’t, the Americans were able to hunt wild boars and trade them with the German people for favors and such. It was a win win for both sides.


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