Denmark’s Prime Minister: Stop calling the country “socialist” – IOTW Report

Denmark’s Prime Minister: Stop calling the country “socialist”

lars lokke rasmussen

ACC: My bet, having talked with a few business oriented Danes over the last year, is that Denmark probably falls somewhere between Mr. Sanders’ dream and the market friendly nation Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen touts. But one thing is absolutely true and that is that the “Nordic Model” is on the wane in Scandinavia. The far northern Europeans are much more open to markets and market forces than they were in the relatively recent past. Perhaps newly minted American “socialists” should get hip to that. Markets work.  more

5 Comments on Denmark’s Prime Minister: Stop calling the country “socialist”

  1. I used to work for a Danish company. The people were great, but the single biggest reason why they loved living in America was to get away from the Socialism in Denmark!
    That and to be able to by decent toilet paper that didn’t have wood chips in it!

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