Dennis Hof, Nevada’s bombastic legal pimp and Assembly candidate, has died – IOTW Report

Dennis Hof, Nevada’s bombastic legal pimp and Assembly candidate, has died


[…] Hof celebrated his birthday Monday evening with the likes of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and other conservative personalities. Fox News pundit Tucker Carlson called in to wish Hof a happy birthday, according to Muth’s Twitter feed.

“We had a wonderful event last night. He was having the time of his life last night. Grover Norquist was there,” Muth told the RGJ. “Ron Jeremy was there. He was given a rescue dog as a birthday present. He was having the time of his life.”

Muth said there was no indication Hof wasn’t feeling well last night. Muth said Jeremy found Hof’s body Tuesday morning when he went to go wake him up.

In an email sent to the Reno Gazette Journal on Tuesday, Norquist said he left shortly after speaking at Hof’s birthday party.

“He was a friend and political ally. His commitment to stopping more tax hikes and to rolling back some of the tax hikes of the past few years was an important voice in Nevada politics,” Norquist said. “I think he could have made a big difference in the direction of Nevada towards limited government and lower taxes. He was so full of energy and life yesterday.”

Arpaio told The Arizona Republic on Tuesday that he was surprised by Hof’s death. He confirmed that he gave a speech at Hoff’s birthday party just hours before he died.

“He’s a very big supporter of Trump, you know, his agenda. He asked me to speak, which I did,” Arpaio told the Republic. “Then he passed away. I can’t believe it. I just left him, 12 hours ago.”  more here

h/t PHenry

12 Comments on Dennis Hof, Nevada’s bombastic legal pimp and Assembly candidate, has died

  1. @MJA. You’re right about Norquist. A conniving wolf. An Islamist enabler and forked tongue that ushered muzz brotherhood into the Bush White House. Norquist got called out by Frank Gaffney at CPAC around 2003 +\- for shifting the topic away from Islamism very few years after 9/11. It was a chippy CPAC that year, with Norquist doing a faux weepy speech about people questioning his patriotism.

    Weird shit that year, but Norquist won and CPAC did a complete rejection of people like Spencer, Geller, Gaffney and others going forward.

    I stopped going.

  2. Dennis Hof was a low life pig. He was the male equivalent of Stormy Daniels without the Creepy Porn Shyster. It’s not that he was doing anything illegal in Nevada, where prostitution is legal in most of the Cow Counties. Hof wanted to take his perverted sense of morality to the Nevada State Assembly, where they already have enough whores and people who prey on them. It’s astonishing that any prominent people would want to be in his company.

  3. Knew him pretty well, but didn’t always approve of what he did. He was kind to me and respectful. I liked him. He called me yesterday afternoon and said “I’ve been trapped in a car for 3-1/2 hours with my gay administrative assistant, porn star Ron Jeremy, and Heidi Fleiss and I desperately need to talk to someone normal.”

    That said, I think I’ll bypass my normal screen name and fly anonymously.

  4. send Norquist back to sweden and let the m0slums deal with him.
    i’m done with those ijits. i’m done with the swedes.
    same goes for you up there too canucks, back to france for you!


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