Denver City Councilwoman Says She Will Work To Supplant Capitalism With Communism – IOTW Report

Denver City Councilwoman Says She Will Work To Supplant Capitalism With Communism

She uses the terminology “by any means necessary.”

These are not-so-coded words meaning “by force, if necessary.”

“By violence, if necessary.”

She, and anyone like her, must be eradicated.

ht/ jd hasty

31 Comments on Denver City Councilwoman Says She Will Work To Supplant Capitalism With Communism

  1. Well, at least she’s honest. It helps that she’s a councilwomman of a backwater town of 5,000 in north-west Texas where one of the “notable people” in its wiki entry is:

    “Woodson Wade Lindsey, Freida Lonette Lindsey: The Lindsey family was an integral part of Denver City as proprietors of Lindsey Hardware for over 50 years, until the retirement of Woodson Lindsey in 1996.”

    I don’t think we have to worry about a red revolution boiling out of the place anytime soon.

  2. Need to just round all of these “Socialist / Communist” slime balls up, load them up on military cargo planes & push them out over Venezuela, & if we want to be nice provide them each with a parachute.

  3. “We know capitalism doesn’t work [..] by design it’s extractive [..] by exploiting land, labor, or resources.”

    Essentially she said, “We know communism works, by design it adds to the community by inactivity of land, labor, and resources.”

    It doesn’t make any sense. That’s why she sells communism by bashing capitalism; communism can’t stand on its own merit.

  4. Denver’s city council is as radical as any loony tune leftist city and this is exactly how they all think. They never make sense. These are the nuts that spend their days focusing on banning plastic straws and bags, trying to get safe space injection sites up with free needles and trying to allow homeless to sleep anywhere they choose (right to survival) even if that is the little tot park across from your million dollar Wash Park home. They keep electing them even though Denver has turned into one big s-hole that continue to deteriorate at record speed..

  5. “I don’t think we have to worry about a red revolution boiling out of the place anytime soon.”

    scr_north, she won’t be there long. She’s just trying to get noticed by Soros’ scouts with this trial run. She’s hoping to be parachuted into a larger urban area where she can do more damage. It’s pretty obvious by now that Gyorgi has a certain type he likes.

  6. @ThirdTwin; Hi, then she’s already poisoned herself by being caught on tape describing her political/economic core belief as almost a dictionary description of communism. Not even AOC or Bernie have been that dumb. Somewhere down the the road if she tries to break out of Denver City that piece of tape will come back to kick her ass back.

  7. And just where does this slut think she can get the authority to do this?
    Crackpots have always been out there but it’s amazing how many have slithered into positions in government.

  8. I live in the Denver area, fortunately not in Denver itself (or Boulder for that matter), and this person got elected by openly espousing those ideas. What do you expect from a city that considered John Hickenlooper a centrist when he was elected mayor and then governor?

    @Anonymous has it exactly correct when describing the mentality of that city.

    Ironically, she got her degree at the University of Denver using a scholarship from one of those evil rich people who extracted money from others…

  9. Let’s start with her home, bank account and everything else she owns. Sharing is caring. I’ll bet that a lot of voters gave this dumbass the thumbs up because she’s pretty and speaks so well. ugh

    Just a stepping stone to something higher…this is how Beta began (city council).

  10. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA… this stupid, stupid cunt does not think that communism by design isn’t “extractive??” Bwahahahahahahahahahaha stupid, stupid, stupid cunt…..

  11. Capitalism is the exclusive exploitative economic system?

    Communism has always resulted in enriching the ruling elite by exploiting everyone else “by any means necessary” forced into living under communism. That appears to be its real unstated purpose or its practical result. Hidden by the claimed purpose of equality for all.
    She is either willfully ignoring that fact of history (aka lying) or just too stupid to figure it out.

  12. I like how the scrunt dislikes capitalism, yet is decked out in finery, hair fierce, nice clothes, jewelry. Look at those eyebrows!! All products of capitalism. I am sure she wants ME to give up my stuff, but not her. Commies are such phucking losers.

  13. @Uncle Al June 10, 2019 at 11:54 am

    > She must be neutralized. By any means necessary.

    First come, first served, @Uncle Al. I’m ready to salute whatever bodies are run up the flagpoles. But with Communists, and Islamists, and Conservatives “competing” for the “pole position”… well, let’s just sing “two outa three ain’t bad”.

  14. @ecp June 10, 2019 at 12:14 pm

    > That’s why she sells communism by bashing capitalism; communism can’t stand on its own merit.

    Aww… I see what you did there.

    (You do see what you did there?)

  15. @Anonymous June 10, 2019 at 12:19 pm

    > trying to allow homeless to sleep anywhere they choose (right to survival) even if that is the little tot park across from your million dollar Wash Park home

    If you insist that “they” be allowed to “regulate” (does anyone even bother to “legislate”, anymore?), both public and “private” property, to allow million dollar estates to exist (in a “free” market) within reasonable traveling distance of half-million dollar “hovels” — then why can there be any rational demand (beyond “bribees gots ta stay bribed”) that they not continue to “regulate” capriciously? Hoping the crocodile eats “them” before you might be your plan. But screaming of the “unfairness” of it all when the crocodile starts eating you is just, well, stupid.

  16. @scr_north June 10, 2019 at 1:18 pm

    > she’s already poisoned herself by being caught on tape describing her political/economic core belief as almost a dictionary description of communism

    Some God!, you’re old. It must be 4 P.M. somewhere. Shouldn’t you be napping?

  17. @TSUNAMI June 10, 2019 at 4:49 pm

    > How do [oh behave!] women get so far politically?

    It’s called “general suffrage”. You might as well ask “How did Barack Obama get so far politically?”. (You wouldn’t, really, ask that? Would you?)

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