Denver Spending Millions to Ship Illegals All Over the Country – IOTW Report

Denver Spending Millions to Ship Illegals All Over the Country

Denver has reportedly spent millions of dollars over the last year to ship migrants all over the country.

The Colorado city has reportedly spent $4.5 million transporting over 12,000 migrants to other places.

A spokesperson for the city government confirmed the massive spending in a statement to Fox News.

“We provide migrant guests who wish to stay in Denver with shelter and support. However, we also understand that many individuals arriving in Denver from the southern border have other destinations in mind,” the spokesperson said. “This is often because they have built-in support systems from family and friends in those cities, or because they believe they will have a better chance at finding work that suits their skills.”

“Our priority is to ensure migrant guests are treated fairly and are placed in the situation that fits their needs. Individual tickets are purchased based on destination requests directly from migrants to various cities, after insurances are gathered that the individual or family truly desires the intended location,” they said. more here

15 Comments on Denver Spending Millions to Ship Illegals All Over the Country

  1. How can they be flying them to other places? FAA and Homeland Security rules, and federal law require true ID to fly commercial airlines. So are the lawbreakers being held responsible? Rhetorical question. I already know the answer.

  2. Ferd Berfla – I’ll guarandamntee you they ain’t using Megabus!
    They are no doubt finding the most expensive tickets they can find because don’t forget, they’re goal is to loot the Treasury and overwhelm and break America!
    Cloward–Piven strategy 1966
    Aaaaaaaaaaannnd Frances Fox Piven is still alive and part of this administration as well as a member in good standing of the Democratic Socialists of America… or what I call the democRAT National Socialist Party.

  3. Claudia – Oh they’ll be working alright… just as soon as the Obamboozler arms them up in his “Civilian Military” that is just as strong and well financed as the regular military!

  4. “….finding work that suits their skills.”
    Illegals got skillz? Who knew?

  5. Cloward and Piven are the main reason that I am not a social worker. I could see thru their bs when I got a BA in social work from EWU in 1980 and it made me sick and gave me a lifelong hatred of political correctness. I also hated the community organizing aspect of social work since the only community that ever benefitted from it were the social workers themselves. And besides most social workers as well as therapists and psychiatrists come from dysfunctional backgrounds and not from normal intact old fashioned nuclear families like I came from. The only thing good I can say about is that I know who these bastards are and how they think, and it repulses me. I found out that I can’t change the world without God and social workers and the rest of their ilk hate God, and all that America stands for and is founded upon. I also have a better than normal understanding of American history than they do, I could’ve been a history teacher. But my wife and I decided to raise our 3 kids to be normal, well-adjusted citizens and it paid off.

  6. geoff the aardvark
    MONDAY, 20 NOVEMBER 2023, 14:36 AT 2:36 PM
    “Cloward and Piven are the main reason that I am not a social worker”.

    …a family friend went from social work to embalming. She said her clients were more cooperative at the latter.

    …She didn’t like the management at EITHER occupation, but different story for another day…

  7. The 2 easy steps 1 take a big dump and leave it in the shitter and step 2 don’t flush. And an added bonus if you’re a muzzie don’t wipe your ass with TP, use your left hand. And now you have a great big shitty mess on your hands for someone else to take care of like the gubmint who’ll only make it worse.


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