Deployed US Navy Has A Pregnancy Problem, And It’s Getting Worse – IOTW Report

Deployed US Navy Has A Pregnancy Problem, And It’s Getting Worse


A record 16 out of 100 Navy women are reassigned from ships to shore duty due to pregnancy, according to data obtained under the Freedom of Information Act by The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group.

That number is up 2 percent from 2015, representing hundreds more who have to cut their deployments short, taxing both their unit’s manpower, military budgets and combat readiness. Further, such increases cast a shadow over the lofty gender integration goals set by former President Barack Obama.

Overall, women unexpectedly leave their stations on Navy ships as much as 50% more frequently to return to land duty, according to documents obtained from the Navy. The statistics were compiled by the Navy Personnel Command at the request of TheDCNF, covering the period from January 2015 to September 2016.

The evacuation of pregnant women is costly for the Navy. Jude Eden, a nationally known author about women in the military who served in 2004 as a Marine deployed to Iraq said a single transfer can cost the Navy up to $30,000 for each woman trained for a specific task, then evacuated from an active duty ship and sent to land. That figure translates into $115 million in expenses for 2016 alone.

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31 Comments on Deployed US Navy Has A Pregnancy Problem, And It’s Getting Worse

  1. Here’s an idea. Any navy woman must sign a contract (with penalty clauses for non-performance) agreeing to having a long-term contraceptive implant before receiving any ship-board specialty training. They would also have to agree to receiving the implants for as long as they have ship-board duty.

  2. A pregnant woman in uniform should be discharged just like they did in the old days.

    OTOH, the only women who should be allowed at sea, in combat, should be gender confused men. Pregnancy problem solved.

    Is there an adult in the Pentagon yet? Yes indeed. Do your duty General.

  3. Guessing General Order #1 isn’t being applied (no sex, no drinking, etc. while deployed). Prosecute, dishonorable discharge if they can show it happened during a deployment. Otherwise, extend enlistment 5 years each occurrence and watch that number drop.

  4. Well duh. Who could have seen this coming? The dems put women on ships just to make sure the Navy was weakened. Plus, the Navy was forced to spend billions modifying ships to add female heads and berths, taking away a lotta money for new ships. The democrats intentionally did this to hurt the country, cause morale problems for spouses at home, and waste defense dollars.

  5. I kinda doubt these sailors are getting pregnant by accident. It’s a way to get back to shore. Extreme, but it obviously works. Back to shore, quick abortion. Easy peasy, right?

  6. “Overall, women unexpectedly leave their stations on Navy ships as much as 50% more frequently…”

    And then they will complain because they didn’t get promoted as fast as the men who didn’t desert their post. Just like in the civilian sector.

  7. @Geoff – Most WAVES were demobilized at the end of WWII. Some stayed on to assist in general demobilization. There were still a few around in 1948 when legislation passed allowing women to serve in the regular Navy. At that time, the WAVES as an organization ceased to exist.

    My mother was a WAVE officer. She met my father, a submarine officer, in Norfolk VA in 1943 and were married a short time later. My father passed away in 2012, but my mother is still alive and kicking at age 97. She looks pretty good to me today, but I’ve got photos of her in uniform and she was an absolute stunner!

  8. By all means enlist all deviants, perverts, degenerates, homosexuals, trans-genders and woman anxious to serve in the military. When war breaks out the current troops are basically cannon fodder sacrificed to hold the line until more, and in this case, superior soldiers can be brought to bear!

  9. Shit, this was happening 30 years ago when I was in. Whenever a deployment came up to a hot or perceived unpopular station came up, the females tended to come up with a case of pregnancy. All that fighting to be treated the same as a man, and then when the shit is about to hit the fan, they cop a bun in the oven and bail. Women should only be allowed in support jobs in the service, and only then to free up a man to go do the fighting.

  10. This is why women should not be in the military. This is not a new problem. Liberals want women and men to be equal but they are not. Men do not get pregnant except in the weird world of LGBTQ. When will we get back to sanity inthis PC country. By the way, progressives are perverts.

  11. There is nothing wrong with women being in the “actual” military. There are certain circumstances where women should not be assigned, and if it’s getting in the way of the mission or creating additional expense where none would otherwise exist, then women should not be assigned.

    AA — USAF Vet (and sometimes leader of men 🙂 )

  12. Way back when, somebody said, ‘Do women bring anything to the table in battle, on ships, on the front line. etc.?’

    Yes, they relieve the tension for a few. Otherwise, I have to say no.

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