Deported DACA Applicant Arrested Re-Entering the U.S. Illegally – IOTW Report

Deported DACA Applicant Arrested Re-Entering the U.S. Illegally

Breitbart Texas: U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested a previously deported criminal alien who twice applied for amnesty under President Obama’s DACA program. Agents arrested the DREAMer after he illegally re-entered the country in California.

Immigration officers deported Juan Manuel Montes, 23, in April after he applied for DACA protection on two occasions. Court records show Montes has four convictions including one for shoplifting and three for driving without a license, Breitbart News reported. He arrived in the U.S. illegally at the age of nine.



Border Patrol agents found him in Calexico, California, in February. During an interview, the agents determined he had no legal status in the U.S. and deported him.

At the time, Montes expressed surprise that the government was enforcing immigration laws. “Some people told me that they were going to deport me; others said nothing would happen. I thought that if I kept my nose clean nothing would happen,” he explained. He did not explain, however, his failure to “keep his nose clean.”

11 Comments on Deported DACA Applicant Arrested Re-Entering the U.S. Illegally

  1. “Court records show Montes has four convictions including one for shoplifting and three for driving without a license, Breitbart News reported. ”

    Each of those is actually grounds for deportation of LEGAL alien residents.


    have it revoked for the SLIGHTEST violation. However, most people can’t just re-enter by walking across the border again.

    There is no real punishment other than a free ride back to Mexico.

  3. p.s. If you think my suggestion above is a joke or “too harsh” or there’s a slippery-slope-danger…

    1. he’s NO US citizen, hence NO US rights
    2. the Left, whether after win or defeat, keeps pushing forward with ever more Leftist/radical moves on US. THIS is one the Right needs to push on THEM. Our “pro-active” needs to start getting NASTY!

  4. A large brand on the forehead saying “CRIMINAL” shouldn’t be out of the question for an illegal convicted and/or deported more than once to make it easy to identify them for immediate arrest. It’s obvious nothing else will work. And deport them by sea to the SOUTH end of Mexico on slow freighters like Eisenhower did in the 50’s. At least it would take them a little longer to cross the border again.

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