Depp And Dior Get “Sauvaged” For Perfume Ad – IOTW Report

Depp And Dior Get “Sauvaged” For Perfume Ad

A story so stupid it can’t involve anybody from the right, except those of us who laugh and point at all the idiots caught up in the controversy.

In this corner you have Dior seeking to push the company’s latest perfume, “Sauvage” [spoken as “savage” with a French sounding “u” added for that all too hip Euro-trash pronunciation], featuring Johnny Depp on guitar in the Southwest with (gasp) Native Americans in authentic ceremonial dress. Watch

In the other corner, the outrage mob besides themselves with ANGER!!! at the affront of creating an advertisment using traditional Native American motifs or something. So, of course Dior folds like last years fading fashion line and pulls the ad. Here

Personally, I can’t believe Ben Stiller with his “Zoolander” line of parody wasn’t behind this entire stunt. – Dr. Tar

16 Comments on Depp And Dior Get “Sauvaged” For Perfume Ad

    “The Left Pushes Segregation Once Again. ‘All things Indian’ FOR INDIANS ONLY.
    ‘All things Black’ FOR BLACKS ONLY. Get it?!? ‘All things Latino’ FOR LATINOS ONLY. Only *this* time, it’s COOL!”

  2. TOP COMMENT at YouTube by Candy Phillips:
    “Everyone who is upset with this commercial and calling it racist are completely ignorant, because this commercial is not calling Native Americans “Savage”. The word is “Sauvage”, a completely different French word meaning “wild and natural”, because native Americans are natural to the land that they rightly owned first. Just look up the word on google. You really think Johnny would have done this advertisement if it were racist and disrespectful? He would have been the first person to say no and speak against it because he has the most love and respect for Native Americans more than anyone I’ve seen.”

    I hadn’t even *seen* the ad before this, and Depp doesn’t in *any* way mimic/mock Indians. FAUX OUTRAGE (once again)

  3. Hilarious. Probably spent 3-4 million producing the ad, not including Depp’s commission, plus gawd knows how much to develop their shitty toilet water, only to flush the whole thing down the drain because some SJWs whined about it. Made my day.

  4. The Sauvage launch ad was not any better. Captain Jack Sparrow was out burying jewelry in the desert with more wrist bracelets and eyeliner than Steven Tyler from Aerosmith.

    Besides, Sauvage makes me sneeze. Dior Pour Homme Intense or Ambre Nuit is the way to go.


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