Depressed? Console yourself with the wit and wisdom of Thomas Sowell – IOTW Report

Depressed? Console yourself with the wit and wisdom of Thomas Sowell

American Thinker-

By Bill Hansmann

In troubled times such as these in which we now find ourselves, it is rewarding to reread the words of great individuals who offer comfort and hope.  One of those greats is the economist Thomas Sowell.  He has said and written so many undeniable truths that it is daunting to select a few that stand out.  Nevertheless, I will try.

“Ours may become the first civilization destroyed not by the power of our enemies, but by the ignorance of our teachers and the dangerous ignorance they are teaching our children.  In an age of artificial intelligence, they are creating artificial stupidity.”  Mr. Sowell wrote these words even before some in our educational system decided that two plus two does not always equal four and that it is racist to demand or even suggest that it does.

“Stupid people can create problems, but it usually takes brilliant people to create a real catastrophe.”  This one gives me hope because I see no brilliance emanating from our problem-creators in Washington.  It is possible that the American people have, likely unintentionally, “catastrophe-proofed” themselves for the next four years by electing an administration that no one would dare define as brilliant.

“The fact that so many successful politicians are such shameless liars is not only a reflection on them; it is also a reflection on us.  When the people want the impossible, only liars can satisfy.”  What the public on the left demand is the equivalent of making an omelet without cracking an egg.  The Biden-Harris folks think we can give up our newfound energy independence by ridding ourselves of pipelines and fracking, depending instead on solar and wind power while continuing to eschew nuclear.  What they are inviting is a return to our dependence on OPEC and likely more unwanted U.S. involvement in Middle East conflicts. more

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