Depressing Harrowing Incident – IOTW Report

Depressing Harrowing Incident

11 Comments on Depressing Harrowing Incident

  1. Oh bullshit, no accountablity in law enforcement. As erek Chauvin and friends.

    This guy is a fuckin idiot trashing all law enforcement. Shit happens, and it’s rare when something this happens.

  2. I’m hoping the elderly lady has some family members that can sue the shit out of the department. A couple of the dumbest cops I’ve ever seen. I’m not a big fan of Red Flag laws but in this case they sure as hell should have used it. I think some of these liberal departments try and use gun deaths to further their cause of disarming their citizens.

  3. SPR is exactly correct in his condemnation of the cops here. But I’m a bit surprised that he, and some here think this is a red-flag law issue. He did not say ,”I’m going to shoot you”, he said, “I’m going to kill you” and even if the cops removed all the guns, she was still in peril.

    Case law on “special relationships” is pretty clear; once a police interaction occurs, a special relationship has formed, to the point that they are now responsible for the safety of those involved. Present an actual verbal threat made and the victim admitting that she did not feel safe and wanted the cops to stay, at the very least, they should have removed this guy from the premises.

    Maybe I missed it, but it sounded like she was the owner of the house and the guy was just the caretaker. Absent hooking him up on the spot for the verbal threat, he could be made to leave and trespassed from the premises. Better still, take her to the hospital, to make sure she has been properly cared for and do a real investigation as to the potential danger she might be in with this guy.

    The cops were lazy and did not do their jobs, they deserve to pay a substantial settlement to any survivors if there are any.

  4. I have been watching Sean Paul Reyes almost since he started his “Long Island Audit” channel. He highlights good law enforcers and trashes bad ones. These guys fall into the latter category. There are SO many videos of cops who pursue EVERY little detail of a conversation with an auditor just to flex their self-perceived authority over a guy with a camera and arrest them. I get furious seeing these retards blow off this situation which resulted in a homicide. Not all cops are bad or even incompetent but FAR too many are. The ones who aren’t generally corrupt but fail to stop those who are are worse than the bad ones.

  5. Rich Taylor, above, nailed it. He probably could have killed her just by removing her oxygen.

    This video is pushing obnoxious red flag laws.

    And by the way, there are loads of great cops, but also many cops who don’t have three-digit IQs, especially in smaller, less desirable jurisdictions.

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