Deranged Lib Fantasizes About Barron – IOTW Report

Deranged Lib Fantasizes About Barron

It’s always interesting to note the dumb leftist stuff when they think they are being clever. Case in point, a stupid tweet by some loon who identifies as “Mayday Mindy.”

How much fun will it be if Barron turns out gay with a Brown Immigrant lover from Mexico they adopt a Islamic baby, he works for Nike his lover works for Greenpeace and in their spare time they volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and trump was still alive to witness it all



11 Comments on Deranged Lib Fantasizes About Barron

  1. That’s right in line with typical liberal thinking. Bigoted as hell while accusing others of being the guilty party.

    She better hope McDonalds doesn’t get wind of this, she’s held a job there for the last 16 years and it might blow her chances of being promoted to the deep fryer.

  2. 100 thumbs up, organgrinder

    That’s a great list of everything I’m supposed to accept, just because, but that asswipe agrees is less than desirable.

    Because, climate change.
    And they want me to pay for their healthcare because they believe they deserve to live well. HA!

  3. I don’t think anything on the list would phase him in the least. He’d probably arrange for legality while giving him a talking to; race wouldn’t matter – he’s spent his life among the multi-cult blue collar workers and global business friends. I’m sure a man who worked in Hollywood has been friends with a few gays….and why would he care that the people work for a major corporation or a save-the-whales place? Prob all that would bum him out would be kids who live in the basement and don’t work.

    This is a list of stereotyped things the left pushes about the right when they want to say “oooh, the scary conservatives are bigots”, when everybody knows it’s the lefties who are constantly stereotyping people and putting them into groups, some privileged, some oppressed. Trump’s type sees people as individuals. You don’t get to be a billionaire by refusing to associate with specific groups or types of people.


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