Derek Chauvin sentenced to 22.5 years for George Floyd’s murder – IOTW Report

Derek Chauvin sentenced to 22.5 years for George Floyd’s murder



Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was sentenced to 22.5 years in prison on Friday by a Minnesota judge for the murder of George Floyd.

State of play: The sentence from Judge Peter Cahill is about in line with what most legal experts expected. Prosecutors had asked for 30 years.

  • Chauvin’s attorney, Eric Nelson, had argued that his client should only receive probation as he was part of a “broken system.”
  • Chauvin was granted credit for 199 days served.
  • Floyd’s daughter, 7-year-old Gianna Floyd, his nephew Brandon Williams, his brothers Terrence and Philonise Floyd all read victim statements prior to the sentencing.
  • “I miss you and I love you,” Gianna said, via video, when asked what she would say to her father.
  • “We don’t want to see more slaps on the wrist,” Terrence Floyd said, while asking for the maximum sentence.


  • JUST IN: Former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin has been sentenced to 22 and a half years in prison for the 2020 murder of George Floyd.
  • Moments ago: Four members of Floyd’s family, including his 7-year-old daughter, gave victim impact statements. Chauvin addressed the court, saying “I want to give my condolences to the Floyd family.

34 Comments on Derek Chauvin sentenced to 22.5 years for George Floyd’s murder

  1. And then you have the people in the DC Gitmo for Jan 6th infractions held without due process likely under represented as well that will have equally outrageous sentences while those killing police and burning cities skate by.

  2. Hey Larry, do you have any actual evidence that Chauvin’s actions were racially motivated? And how typical of a liberal, an ever shifting stand on morality (the death penalty) based on whether he likes you or not, what a squish.

    I seriously doubt he will serve 25% of that sentence, maybe less depending on how the appeal goes, and he has serious grounds for appeal.

    The only good that came out of all this is that Chauvin is no longer a cop, what a disgrace.

  3. I recently watched an episode of Royal Pains, where a cop arrested a guy played by pro wrestler The Big Show. Cop had his hands cuffed behind his back, on his stomach. The main character, a doctor, recognized that he was having trouble breathing and got the cop to remove his cuffs and roll him over.
    I think that may be what happened to Floyd, and it was brought up during the trial. Regardless, he was very deserving of being arrested, being a career criminal, and all the libs feeling sorry for his family are ignoring the mountain of bad things Floyd did.

  4. Gross miscarriage of justice. Should have been exonerated and given the money identified as going to the thug’s “family”

    BTW exactly which members get that money? Momma for doing such a great fuxxing job in the first place?

  5. One dead body. One. Dead body. One.

    How are both a murder and manslaughter conviction possible when there is only ONE dead body?

    Gosh. It’s not only a floor wax, it’s also a dessert topping?

    This is justice? This is madness!

  6. George Floyd, Still creating victims after his Overdose and disgraceful life of ruining everything he toughed.

    Maybe not the best cop in the world, but he was sent to deal with Mr. Garbage Crybaby who had behaved exactly the same way many times before.

    I hope the Devil Fucks You in the Ass Floyd. I’m sure you took in there many times before for Drug Money! Cocksucker!

  7. Larry is just sensitive! He tears up weekly while watching the Sound of Music with his kitten!
    Hey Larry, check with Fur, I mailed some scented hankies and asked him to them pass along to you. Now don’t cry!


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