Dershowitz: Mueller Has A ‘Credibility Problem’ – IOTW Report

Dershowitz: Mueller Has A ‘Credibility Problem’

Daily Caller: Democrat Alan Dershowitz appeared on Fox News Monday, saying that special counsel Robert Mueller has a “credibility problem” over his investigation of Donald Trump.

Dershowitz said, “I’m not a Republican, I’m a Democrat. I think he has a credibility problem.”

“He should have been more careful about who he hired. He should have disclosed he had taken that FBI agent off the case after his messages came out. I think he has a credibility problem on these emails without a warrant. I think he has a credibility problem if he used the dossier in order to get national security wiretaps,” he added. read more

9 Comments on Dershowitz: Mueller Has A ‘Credibility Problem’

  1. He also said, “[Mueller] has been conducting a sloppy investigation, ….. You can’t give the other side any ammunition, and he has given the other side plenty of ammunition.”

    There is the problem, Dershowitz thinks it is all about politics. He’s been a democrat tool so long that he has forgotten all about “Truth and Justice”.

  2. The lesson all of these goofs will never learn?

    They all put too much stock in the coronation of their queen thwarting the election process. They thought she was, “…in the lead by 50 points.” So they backed off on the added expense of things like rigging voting machines, passing out loosies and corralling homeless people into buses headed to voting booths.

  3. “…Dershowitz thinks it is all about politics.”

    Right, cato. It’s funny to see the noted law prof Dershowitz acting like a spinmeister as he totally sidesteps the screaming legal problems with Mueller’s behavior.

  4. I’m sure every 1st semester law student understands that any biased behavior by any actors involved in the act of trying to convict a person is grounds for dismissal, mistrial, or retrial.

    Except if you are a bumbling special prosecutor whose ends justifies the means.

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